Epigraph Quote: When our messiah comes, every Jew will have 2800 gentile slaves. Jewish Talmud Webmaster introduction: This brief presentation is a brilliant summary of what has happened and is happening to our world. Basically, the most powerful government-military system in history has been captured by Satan and his minions. Chief mad-scientist at NASA, Dennis […]
Posts Tagged ‘appendix’
Appendix 213: The Blockchain Biometric Transhumanist Slavery Agenda Exposed (Jason Bermas presentation, Aug. 28, 2023)
Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]
Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]
Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]
Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]
Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]
Appendix 207: “”The Program” Is Covert Domestic Terrorism Against And Torture Of “Political Targets:” 19 Videos By “Dr. X Keyscore”
Webmaster (ETK) Introduction: “Dr. X Keyscore” claims to hold Ph.D., M.A.S., M.A.. B.A. degrees, have a background in Security Studies and as a Mil/Intel-CI/CT Analyst, and to be Son of the American Revolution, Patriot, Whistle-blower, Global Nomad, and Deep State target. Dr. X Keyscore: “The program” is the DHS and most likely DOD-funded extra-judicial, political […]
Appendix 204: Army War College confessed about TI weapons program in 1995 (Targeted Justice, June 12, 2023) & follow-up online TI discussion
The Strange Case of the Unidentified 2 Pages purportedly outlining US Army “revolutionary” plan to conquer America (Mystery solved but more questions emerge in TI email group discussion below) Webmaster introduction: I record this story because it occurs to me that some, possibly much, of this interchange may be related to what the military calls […]
Appendix 202: Govt Says It Owns Everyone’s Thoughts, Calling It “Cognitive Infrastructure” (2 articles w/ videos & DoD/GAO document)
Epigraph Quote from 2nd article: CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has categorized people’s “thoughts” as being part of the government’s infrastructure – meaning the government believes it owns whatever activity takes place inside your head. Webmaster Comment: The US governments’ claim that they own people’s thoughts springs directly from the technologies of thought reading, […]
Appendix 200: NSA Routinely Shares Americans’ SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) Data With Israel! (2009, 2013, 2019 articles)
I. NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel (9/11/2013) The National Security Agency routinely shares raw intelligence data with Israel without first sifting it to remove information about US citizens, a top-secret document provided to the Guardian by whistleblower Edward Snowden reveals. Details of the intelligence-sharing agreement are laid out in a memorandum […]
Appendix 199: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Brain Fingerprinting Technology
In 1999, a woodcutter named James B. Grinder confessed to a 15-year-old murder, the death of a 25-year-old woman named Julie Helton. A short time later, he recanted, contradicting himself over and over. His blood had been taken and compared against the crime scene samples — but with such an old crime, local police were […]
Appendix 198: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: Suzie Dawson 10-Part Video Series: “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Spies” of the NSA Global Spy Network (Fall, 2019) W/ Transcriptions, Graphics, & Sample Quotes
Webmaster Introduction: In her 10-part series, “Opening the Five Eyes: Exposing the Methods of the Spies,” activist, researcher, TI, and former head of New Zealand’s Internet Party provides an outstanding compendium of information about how the global gangstalking program works, who does it, and why they do it. Thus, I have transcribed major portions of […]
Appendix 197: Organized Stalking-Electronic Harassment Explained: NSA’s ESCHELON Network (by Patrick S. Poole)
I. ESCHELON: America’s Secret Global Surveillance Network Copyright 1999/2000 Patrick S. Poole Executive Summary In the greatest surveillance effort ever established, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has created a global spy system, codename ECHELON, which captures and analyzes virtually every phone call, fax, email and telex message sent anywhere in the world. ECHELON is […]
Appendix 196: NSA (Covert Mind Control Terrorist Cult) Illegal Satellite Tracking, Targeting, & Torture of Innocent Civilians (Articles by Marino & Akwei)
I. Introduction Since 1980 the National Security Agency (NSA) has electronically brain fingerprinted all American citizens as if they were heads of cattle. As such the NSA can now track each American by way of their brain’s own unique electromagnetic field while remotely reading their thoughts, through Artificial Intelligence Computer driven spy satellite networks like […]
Appendix 195: Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 290 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth Of Gangstalking War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity
Cutting Through “Smokescreen Terminology:” 286 Names & Descriptions Reveal Truth of Gangstalking War Crimes/Crimes Against Humanity “Gangstalking is a self-harm term for what is actually a government no-touch torture eugenics program.” – Ted Gunderson, ex-FBI “A rose by any other name is still a rose” – From Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet “All future wars will […]
Appendix 192: USG Child-Human Trafficking-Slavery Syndicate Exposed: (DHS’) Mayorkas Is A Sex (And TI!) Trafficking Kingpin 4/27/23
Appendix 192: USG Child-Human Trafficking-Slavery Syndicate Exposed: (DHS’) Mayorkas Is A Sex (and TI) Trafficking Kingpin 4/27/23 https://banned.video/watch?id=644a930ce8e6717e5e7b6a8e (DHS Head) Mayorkas Is A Sex Trafficking Kingpin Apr 27, 2023 Webmaster comment: This is the International Zionist Criminal Syndicate (IZCS) that operates the US government as partner in RICO violations. Not coincidentally, Alejandro Mayorkas, a Cuban […]
Appendix 189: Cyber-Torture; EU-Coalition Against Cybertorture Homepage (Cybertorture = organized stalking-electronic torture; the targeted individual program)
We are a non profit EU-COALITION AGAINST CYBERTORTURE and Task Force established to create awareness and more of Cybernetic Technology and electronic abuse, such as the illegal data collection and manipulation of humans via brain – machine – interfaces. Coined “Cybertorture” by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. How do we protect people that by […]
Appendix 185: Maurice Strong and the Roots of the Great Reset Agenda
Maurice Strong and the Roots of the Great Reset Agenda Matthew Ehret November 25, 2020 Maurice Strong and the Roots of the Great Reset According to such Great Reset luminaries as Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Michael Bloomberg, Mark Carney, and the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, humanity is expected to solve the dual threat of […]