Despite the majority of Europeans and their ELECTED leaders opposing it, Brussels continues to implement Washington DC and NATO’s foreign policy objectives. Brussels is exhibiting zombie-like characteristics when it comes to the issue of Russian sanctions, as it nudges a teetering European economy towards the next crisis. While actual European citizens and their elected […]
Posts Tagged ‘ap’
EU proves its slavery to Washington: 6 more months of anti-Russian sanctions
After denying the problem for years, EPA finally orders barrier to block underground fire from reaching 100,000 tons of nuclear waste near St. Louis
(NaturalNews) During 2016, while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was busy covering up its mistakes in the Gold King Mine cleanup disaster in Colorado – which polluted waterways in three states – and while jailing others who committed environmental crimes less serious than the agency’s own SNAFUs, it managed to also ignore what […]
Zangeneh: Completion of South Pars phases requires $20b
TEHRAN, Jan. 12 (Shana) – To lunch the remaining phases of the South Pars Gas Filed in Bushehr province, the Petroleum Ministry will require $20 billion, said the Iranian petroleum minister. “Following the removal of Western sanctions, we will be able to fund the projects using new methods,” Bijan Zangeneh said in a live televised […]
Russian Source: Saudi Intelligence Responsible for Airline Bomb – Veterans Today
…by Gordon Duff and Jim W. Dean, VT Editors with Nahed al Husaini in Damascus A source with Russian intelligence just confirmed that the Russian government will not announce its preliminary findings on the A321 crash in Sinai. However, their intelligence solidly names Saudi Arabia as responsible for the bombing which killed 244. Egyptian intelligence was […]
Israeli Army Colonel Captured in Iraq along ISIS Militants – Veterans Today
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Captured ISIS Leaders in Iraq Confess to Receiving Military and Intelligence Support from the United States
Spokesman of Iraq’s Kata’ib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Battalions) popular forces Jafar al-Hosseini disclosing that captured ISIL leaders have acknowledged receiving logistical backup and intelligence support from the US. “As the ISIL commanders captured in Iraqi popular forces’ recent military operations have confessed, the US supports for the terrorist groups are not limited to the dispatch of […]
Waukegan Paid $26.1 MillionTo About 50 People Wrongly Arrested
Video of the encounter shows that Gilmore held his hands in the air and called her “ma’am.” She told him to put his hands on a car, and he did, but then she told him to empty his pockets. He hesitated and asked “Huh?” as he put his hands in his pockets. Kelly fired the […]