The incident happened on Wednesday as group of teenagers were bathing on a partially-submerged platform at the Ganges Barrage Bridge in the town of Kanpur. Shivam Gupta, 19, slipped while taking a selfie and was carried away by a rapid current caused by recent heavy rains. ‘Suicidal’ selfie: Man ‘ready to jump off bridge’ in […]
Posts Tagged ‘antilabor’
7 people die as friends try to rescue Indian man taking selfie near Ganges
Tens of thousands of Palestinians left without water as Israeli firm cuts supplies – report
Mekorot, the main supplier of several Palestinian towns and cities, stopped providing water to the municipality of Jenin, a number of Nablus villages and the city of Salfit and its surrounding villages, Gulf News and Al Jazeera reported. In several locations, people haven’t had water for over 40 days, according to Ayman Rabi, the executive […]
Chaos Erupts In Paris As Riot Police Unleash On 50,000-Strong Labor Protest
Print Friendly Above Photo: Activists face off with gendarmes during a demonstration in Paris as part of nationwide protests against plans to reform French labour laws, France, June 14, 2016. (Photo: Reuters/Philippe Wojazer) French police unleashed tear gas and water cannons on demonstrators Tuesday as tens of thousands packed the streets of Paris in an outpouring […]
NASA orbiter discovers seasonal patterns of Martian dust storms
When it comes to putting people on Mars, timing can’t be taken for granted. Now, thanks to nearly two decades of work, NASA’s Red Planet orbiters have determined three distinct annual patterns for dust storms that bring about great weather shifts. At about the same time each Martian year, or approximately every two Earthling […]
Israel destroys Bedouin village al-Araqib for the 97th time
Israel destroys Bedouin village in Negev for 97th time NEGEV (Ma‘an) 19 Apr — Israeli forces on Tuesday destroyed the unrecognized Bedouin community of al-Araqib in the Negev for the 97th time in a row, amid a record-high wave of demolitions to be carried out by Israel this year. Al-Araqib resident Salim Abu Mdeighem told […]
From on high: Priest’s chopper lands on highway in Russia (VIDEO)
The episode was caught on a camcorder and surfaced on YouTube. It starts with a helicopter hovering over a highway shot from a car operating a camcorder. To the surprise of the driver, the chopper then lands on the road a short distance ahead. Another car had blocked oncoming traffic. The children in the back […]
The New Preschool System is Crushing Kids and Making Them Hate Learning
Anna Hunt, StaffWaking Times According to a new study out of the University of Virginia, academic pressures of the United States (U.S.) educational initiatives, such as No Child Left Behind, and Common Core, have transformed kindergarten away from the much-needed focus on early social skills, play-based learning and other creative activities, […]
US warns of ‘credible threats’ to tourist areas in Istanbul, Antalya
The advisory notification urged Americans to “exercise extreme caution” in the vicinity of such areas and to monitor local media. Israel issued a similar warning to its citizens on Saturday, advising them to leave Turkey. Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, a branch of the National Security Council, issued a similar warning on March 28. Turkey has been […]
N. Korea ‘ultimatum’ video shows rocket attacks destroying South
The footage, titled ‘Unless South Korea complies with our ultimatum,’ seems to mainly use older footage of the North Korean Army riding around on tanks amid bursts of gunfire, South Korean Yonhap news agency reported on Tuesday. However, in a computer-generated scene, the Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae) – where the South Korean president lives […]
‘Victory of all feminists’: FEMEN wins right to topless protest in France
The three activists, who wrote “pimps, clients, guilty” and “your turn to be f**ked” on their bare chests, shouted at Strauss-Kahn’s car before being arrested by police in February 2015. “A political demonstration should not be confused with sexual aggression,” FEMEN’s lawyer Valentine Reberioux said. “These are political acts using the nude torso as a […]
Putin: Russia may deploy forces back to Syria ‘in mere hours’ if necessary
“Of course, if such a need arises, Russia can, in several hours, build up its forces in Syria to a size capable of dealing with an escalating situation and use the entire range of means at its disposal,” Putin said. “We wouldn’t like that. A military escalation is not our choice. We hope the parties […]