Radio Aryan May 18, 2016 Matthew Heimbach is joined by Sven Longshanks for another edition of The Daily Traditionalist concentrating on ‘Projection’ – the act of projecting one’s own personality onto another, in this case projecting one’s own race onto another. At the root of our problems with race, is the insane idea that the […]
Posts Tagged ‘antiimmigration’
Woman In Jewel Encrusted Hat Tells Britain To “Live Within Its Means”
A woman sitting on an expensive gold chair while wearing a £1,000,000 hat has encouraged Britain to “live within its means” during times of austerity while addressing a room full of millionaires. The Huffington Post explains: She also voiced support for a government imposing longer working hours with less pay on junior doctors while wearing […]
Occupation destroys Palestinian houses in Israel
Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation demolished on Wednesday night several Palestinian houses in occupied Palestine under pretext of unlicensed construction. Sources in the Arab city of Kafr Qasim in occupied Palestine (Israel) said that Israeli bulldozers, protected with heavy number of Israeli military police, stormed the house of Ibrahim Dasougi, evacuated him and his […]
How to Mass Rapeugee Europe
Angela Merkel (Mama)Daily Stormer January 7, 2016 Mama loves a black alpha sausage between her buns I am mama to all you colored rapeugees wanting free stuff everywhere. My black and brown babies are the real Deutschlanders. As Africans and Arabs, Germany is your natural crib, and your number one duty to the Mamaland is […]