Accepted history is US GRADE A UNADULTERATED BULLSHIT! Take the Roman Bible. There is a great flood which destroys all but a few humans. The cock crows three times. At the end of the era there is a great battle against evil called Armageddon. Viking history or “MYTHOLOGY”. There is a great flood which distorts […]
Posts Tagged ‘anomalous’
Ancient Anomalous Human Skeletons: Humanity Could be Much Older Than We Think
July 3rd, 2022 Awake Goy
A third of birds in North America threatened with extinction
May 21st, 2016 Awake Goy
A billion birds have disappeared from North America since 1970, and a third of bird species across the continent are threatened with extinction, a new report says. The first State of North America’s Birds report finds that of 1,154 bird species that live in and migrate among Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, 432 are […]