There are too many anomalies emerging in the media coverage, and its clear that both sides of the narrative are being managed by the same people! Twitter user @LezLuthor has picked up a number of them. The post Too many Anomalies in the Israel-HAMAS war first appeared on Cabal Times. Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘anomalies’
The Moon Isn’t What You Think It Is: Lunar Anomalies That Can’t Be Ignored
Each night the moon makes its majestic appearance. Without this luminous sphere, our planet would be a vastly different place. It is responsible for the ocean’s tides, seasons, temperatures, and Earth’s very rotation. Both humans and animals are affected by the lunar presence. Scientists have theories about the planetary object’s origins yet all remain mere […]
Mixed jabs, regional anomalies and helpline frustration: Welcome to Italy’s Green Pass nightmare
As of 6 August, the “Green Pass” immunity passport – officially “the COVID-19 Green Certificate” part of the EU Digital COVID Certificate scheme – is mandatory in a variety of public spaces across Italy. For the vast majority of Italians who have been vaccinated against COVID-19, obtaining the Green Pass has been as simple as […]
The Great Salt Lake Enigma: Science Shows Anomalies – Evidence of a Global Flood?
When the first American settlers reached the shore of the Great Salt Lake in the middle of the 19th century, many of them believed that this vast inland sea was a remnant of the floodwaters that had swept across the whole Earth in the Great Deluge. At that time, the acceptance of the Biblical deluge […]
Arctic Circle Anomalies: Archaeological Insight Under the Permafrost
The Arctic Circle is the farthest northern of the five major circles of latitude on the planet. It marks the northernmost point at which the center of the noon sun is just visible on the winter solstice . During the summer solstice , the heart of the midnight sun is just visible at the southernmost […]
How Dangerous These COVID Vaccines Are (Photos of Strange Anomalies in Vaccinated & Blood Clots)
by Admin · Published July 29, 2021 · Updated July 29, 2021 Brighteon Source Views: 0
UFO like anomalies and rays of light crossing the Sun
» Lyrids meteor shower 2021: How to see the Lyrids tonightYesterday at 12:02 pm by PurpleSkyz » HAPPY EARTH DAYYesterday at 11:58 am by PurpleSkyz » Russia to quit ISS, build new space stationYesterday at 10:48 am by PurpleSkyz » UFO like anomalies and rays of light crossing the Sun Yesterday at 10:44 am by PurpleSkyz » #QTard Drama Theater- ‘Q Is the Truth,’: […]
Galactic Anomalies: Astrology Forecast October 25th – November 1st
October 26th, 2020 By Lorna Bevan Contributing Writer for Wake Up World This week, we are under the potent influence of not one but two Galactic Super Clusters -get ready for incoming information direct from Source aka the Noosphere or the Cloud. On Sunday October 25th the Sun and Mercury meet in Scorpio on the […]
Some interesting anomalies spotted regarding NZ’s recent election
From eternalvigilance website, NZ. A few I note have been observing similar… Very very suspect election results for the South Island. Something fishy going on down in the Mainland with the election results!The Otargo Daily Times reports that Labour won the party vote *in all 17* South Island electorates!That is a high statistical improbability in […]
Valentine’s Day School Shooting Anomalies and Updates
Multiple Shooters and Army Involved in False Flag What better way to divert the attention of the American people than to shoot up yet another high school…deep in dark blue country and just 40 miles from Trump’s Mar-a-Largo retreat. The Deep State criminal cabal responsible for all of these school shootings knows just when and […]
Study: Weather anomalies accelerate the melting of sea ice
From ETH ZURICH comes this study with a “never before been seen on this scale” claim. The problem is, we’ve really got only a few decades of observations to compare with, plus 2015/16 was the year of the “monster” El Niño, and there were all sorts of resultant weather anomalies. We don’t have enough weather data […]
Something happening – Water anomalies occur 2000 miles apart on same day!
A strong force is moving very heavy amounts of water with apparent ease. More reports are surfacing as people are simply stupefied at what they are seeing. Via MrMBB333: You Might Also Like The Notorious Banned FOX 9/11 News Footage Linking Israeli/Mossad National Guards Prepare for Emergency!!! Mysterious ‘Sun Simulator’ Captured On Video??? Virginia Proposal […]
Glaring Anomalies in the 1995 Assassination of Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin
By Russ Winter Officially, Israeli prime minster Yitzhak Rabin’s murder was a cut-and-dry affair. On Nov. 4, 1995, Rabin was assassinated while leaving a peace rally by Yigal Amir, a radical right-wing Orthodox Jew who opposed the signing of the Oslo Accords. A portrait of late Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in Tel Aviv, Israel on Oct. 28. PHOTO: Los […]
30,000 sq mile Antarctic ice hole & Arctic ice gain anomalies
The media sounds alarm bells that there is a 30,000 square mile ice hole that opened in the Antarctic sea ice, as if its because of global warming, but they forget to add that this occurred in the 1970’s as well. Arctic sea ice continues to grow at record pace and Greenland with massive […]
Anomalies Begin To Pile Up In Orlando Shooting Incident (Updated)
It has been reported by many witnesses who say they saw anywhere from two to five shooters. While everyone has been arguing about guns, other people have been noticing the typical anomalies for a false flag attack. Now remember, false flag does not mean fake! But this doesn’t mean the mainstream media narrative isn’t providing […]
Psychedelic Mushrooms Help Treat Smoking and Alcohol Addiction, Study Reveals
Recent study reveals that 12 out of 15 participants who received psychedelic mushrooms as part of a medical trial for smoking cessation remained smoke-free after a period of six months after the medical test had ended. by Ewao More and more scientific studies reveal the numerous benefits of psychedelics in therapeutical treatments. Like alcohol, tobacco […]
UK Surveillance Bill Will Have ‘Dire’ Consequences Warns Apple CEO
Apple CEO Tim Cook has warned that surveillance powers proposed by the British government could have “very dire consequences”. The legal obligation for companies to help security services bypass encryption would hurt “the good people,” rather than stopping those with nefarious intentions, Tim Cook told the Telegraph RT reports: He added that communications companies need […]
Clinton, Bloomberg Demand Obama Start World War with Russia to Defend Moderate Terrorists
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer October 19, 2015 Hillary now officially campaigning on a promise of world war in defense of Islamic terrorists in Syria. Training and arming terrorists is not cheap, and the US government has an obligation to stop Russia from blowing up all of its terrorists, says Hillary Clinton. Bloomberg News: Hillary Clinton took […]
6 Strange Anomalies With The Virginia Earthquake
Eric BlairActivist Post Monday, August 29, 2011 My first thought upon hearing the news of the rare 5.9 magnitude earthquake in Virginia this week was that it was not a natural occurrence. After all, no one has ever felt or even heard of such a powerful temblor happening in this area in a lifetime. As is […]