The ancient city of Angkor in Southeast Asia was once a thriving metropolis, home to the Khmer civilization and their massive temple complex, Angkor Wat. However, despite its grandeur, the city’s downfall was inevitable. Read more Section: News Ancient Places Asia Videos Read Later Source Views: 0
Posts Tagged ‘angkor’
Angkor: A Once-Flourishing Civilization Doomed by Environmental Destruction (Video)
The Mysteries and Spectacular Architecture of Angkor Wat
Angkor Wat is a fascinating temple complex in northwestern Cambodia, located in what was once the capital of the ancient Khmer Empire which presided over a vast kingdom in Southeast Asia. Read more Section: News Ancient Places Asia Read Later Source Views: 0
Staggering Statistics Revealed On Angkor Wat and the Khmer Exodus
Angkor Wat was the enormous capital city of the Khmer Empire , located in modern day Cambodia. Now, a new study has attempted to understand the Khmer exodus, whereby the ancient mega-city of almost a million inhabitants was abandoned. Their new data points to the metropolis having been vacated over a long period of time. […]
Sick hypocrites: Britain ‘reviewing’ Palestine aid, as U.S. pledges biggest military aid package to Israel ever
Palestinian aid is under review by the British government after it was alleged some of the funds are paying the ‘salaries’ of terrorists. The probe comes as the US promised to give Israel the “largest military aid package in history.” The Department for International Development (DfID) said it is reviewing its aid package to […]
Iran is progressing in its own way, with a democracy far different from that of the US
Wishful thinking, manipulation, blatant propaganda, the western mainstream press holds no real surprises any more. News from American and British newspapers concerning Iran’s elections depicts a fantasy liberalized Iran today. Reading the news, it’s as if the neocons are in some kind of tantric trance. Iran is fundamentally Iranian still; a different kind of […]
It’s not just an earworm: Musical hallucinations exist and differ depending on disease state
Most of us know what it’s like to encounter an earworm, one of those songs that you just can’t get out of your head. But as hard as it is to quell the echo of these songs in our minds, we aren’t really hearing them. For some people who just can’t stop the beat, […]