“Are you telling me that 82% of American Jews never set foot inside a synogogue? Got a link for M J’s source for these startling numbers?” No, I don’t have a source, as I say, I was quoting MJ Rosenberg from the Nation Sept. 2015 Here’s the full quote: “In fact, whenever it testifies on […]
Posts Tagged ‘American Jews’
Long Island synagogue marks High Holidays with thanks to Israeli soldiers in Gaza war
September 16th, 2015 Awake Goy
Israeli site shows photo of kids dressed as burning Twin Towers for Purim, upsets everyone
February 28th, 2013 FAKE NEWS for the Zionist agenda
6nobacon.com People all over Israel are celebrating Purim this weekend, and much like Halloween, the dress-up holiday is a perfect opportunity for parents to show off their creativity and then display it on their poor kids. The winners of the contest for Costume of Poorest Taste are definitely 7-year-old twins Ilay and Nehoray, who dressed […]