(NaturalNews) A closer look at the overall infection and death rate from confirmed cases of H1N1 influenza during the 2009–2010 “pandemic,” as declared by the World Health Organization (WHO), has revealed that the widely administered vaccine for swine flu is far more deadly than the disease itself. As it turns out, far more […]
Posts Tagged ‘alive’
Get Out Of Dodge And Get A Real Job!
One effective way to block police is to use the way they do policing against them. Police have always favored the tactic of sitting like a snake in the grass and waiting for their prey. They hide behind walls, bushes, buildings, and even sit in the dark. It is a way that they can easily […]
Zainab al-Hosni alive: West still waging their bitter propaganda war on Syria
Patrick Henningsen Infowars.com October 6, 2011 We like to believe that there once was a time, an age of Woodward and Bernstein, when facts mattered and journalists would not dare go global with a completely fabricated, custom-made piece of fiction designed to stoke the fires of war. If there was such a time, it’s definitely not now. […]
Anwar Awlaqi Most Likely Alive
Yemen Post October 4, 2011 More than 25 leaders from the Awaliq tribe, the tribe of Anwar Awlaqi, reached Jawf on Sunday to see the remains of the body of Anwar, however, no body resembling his was found. Amongst those who went to the province was his father, a former minister and university dean. […]
Al-Awlaki sibling claims Anwar is still alive
Ground Report Oct 3, 2011 A man who said he is Ahmed al-Awlaki, the brother of the most-wanted U.S.-born terrorist in the world — al- Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al-Awlaki — telephoned the Chinese newspaper, Xinhua, and said Anwar is still alive and was not part of the targeted convoy hit by […]
American Dream Eating Itself Alive!
by Tom Valentine Just google scrap metal thieves to see the extent of this dilemma. There is an ant in Australia that digests itself into oblivion as some sort of weird natural “defense” mechanism. Why God created this, or how the hell could it have evolved. Remains to be argued by ignorant experts. AS […]
Libya: Keep the Freedom Flame Alive
by Stephen Lendman Trapped for days in Tripoli’s Rixos Hotel, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) arranged for the release of over 30 foreign journalists yesterday. They’re now at the Corinthia Hotel, awaiting a boat for transport to Malta, then home via Europe that can’t arrive until fighting subsides. Given the chaos […]
The KGB (Kickbacks, Gratuity, Bribes) – alive and well in Washington DC
by Ed Mattson Vacation in America…It is a time to be with family for rest and reflection. Late last week my wife, son, and I headed off from our home in North Carolina, to spend a few days at the beach in Destin, Florida, a place I use to live back when I wore […]
It’s Alive! Humanoid Robot Powers Up on Space Station
Tariq MalikSPACE.com August 23, 2011 Photo NASA TV Move over Commander Data, there’s a real robot in space, now. The International Space Station got a new crewmember today, one made not of flesh and blood, but of gears and clockwork instead. Called Robonaut 2, the automaton astronaut was activated by human spaceflyers today (Aug. […]