Featuring guests Tim Keller and Francis CollinsBioLogos Originally aired on May 21, 2020With Jim Stump and Deborah Haarsma Leading evangelical thinker Tim Keller joins Francis Collins, who heads our country’s biomedical research, in a conversation that includes updates on the latest COVID-19 research, a discussion on the value of human life and what it means […]
Posts Tagged ‘aired’
Why was this special COVID-19 discussion with the NIH Director aired the day after he won the $1.3 MIL Templeton Prize?
August 22nd, 2020 Awake Goy
Brussels on Lockdown after Lethal Airport and Metro Bombings
March 22nd, 2016 Awake Goy
nsnbc : The departure hall of Brussels airport, Belgium, was rocked by an apparent suicide bomb at about 8:00 a.m. The explosion killed at least 13 and injured scores. An hour later explosions were reported from the Maalbeek and Schuma Metro Station. Another 10 were reportedly killed. The airport, metro and the mobile phone systems have […]
Massaging the numbers and cooking the books: Zika microcephaly link greatly exaggerated
February 4th, 2016 Awake Goy
First, many thanks to great investigative reporter and researcher, Jim West, for help on this story. Okay, here we go. Of course, I’m talking about the Associated Press (AP)—and its recent coverage of the Zika story: January 27, “270 of 4,180 suspected microcephaly cases confirmed.” AP actually had its hands on the most explosive […]