Today it occurred to me that just like Obama was positioned to be the “decoy/counterfeit Antichrist” within the globalist prophecy fulfillment script, there is a decoy/counterfeit Beast of Revelation as well. It is the G7. The Beast of Revelation has seven heads, and upon those seven heads are ten horns, each with a crown. Now […]
Posts Tagged ‘addendum’
Vindex (Trump) walks into an ambush in the belly of the Beast (+ Addendum 2: More details on the Beasts)
July 7th, 2017 Awake Goy
The Government Wants to Microchip All Kids ‘Sooner Rather Than Later’
June 24th, 2016 Awake Goy
The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future. by Brianna Acuesta As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which […]
The Government Wants to Microchip All Kids ‘Sooner Rather Than Later’
June 24th, 2016 Awake Goy
The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future. by Brianna Acuesta As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which […]