Tehran, July 8, IRNA – Tehran substitute Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani on Friday ruled out the US assertion of forming coalition against Daesh. He made the remarks in the second sermon of Tehran Friday Prayers. Ayatollah Movahedi Kermani said that the current conflicts and hostility in the region have emanated from […]
Posts Tagged ‘81’
Flat Lens Promises Possible Revolution in Optics
Flat Lens Promises Possible Revolution in Optics June 4th, 2016 Via: BBC: A flat lens made of paint whitener on a sliver of glass could revolutionise optics, according to its US inventors. Just 2mm across and finer than a human hair, the tiny device […]
Bizarre UFO seen hovering above the south coast of the UK
An intriguing video has captured the moment an odd-shaped UFO appears to hover in the sky over the south coast of the UK – before disappearing into thin air. The man who recorded the video said the object was moving south east for around three to four minutes before it was lost. According to […]
No woman should be asked these questions during a job interview
Attention hiring managers: Don’t ask a woman about her marital status, plans on having kids or her child-care arrangements during a job interview. These questions, which are almost never put to men, are not only irrelevant to assessing a potential candidate, they’re also sexist and potentially illegal. And yet… An astonishing 75 percent of […]
Italian President Pardons Chief CIA Rendition Convicts
nsnbc : Italian President Sergio Mattarella has pardoned the former CIA Station Chief in Rome Robert Seldon Lady and others who were convicted for the kidnapping of Egyptian Muslim cleric Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr in Milan, and his extraordinary rendition to Egypt. President Sergio Mattarella’s pardon includes U.S. citizens, with CIA Station Chief Robert Seldon Lady […]
Iron And Copper Continue To Decline As China Economy Slows (Low Oil Prices Hurting Saudi Arabia)
China is indeed slowing in terms of economic growth. And taking iron and copper prices down with it. Then there is oil. Even Saudi Arabia is delaying payments to government contractors as the slump in oil prices pushes the country into a deficit for the first time since 2009. Source […]