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Posts Tagged ‘56’
The Nationalist Review Online 18: Black Snipers Matter
The Right Stuff July 11, 2016 Florian fills in again for NO1 as the autistocast returns for a second part, minus some burger plus some Nords. A message from Moishe, an hour of discussion on the Texas Shootings, and half an hour of shitposting and hardcore journalism. Source Article from Views: 0
Dr. David Duke with UK Activist Mark Collett on the Battle for Western Civilization & the European People
Dr. David Duke with UK Activist Mark Collett on The Battle for Western Civilization & the European People Today Dr. Duke had his British correspondent Mark Collett as his guest for the hour. They discussed the Jewish led push for wars in the Middle East, which serve the dual purpose of weakening Israel’s potential […]
Your Self-Driving Car Will Be Programmed to Kill You—Deal With It
A recent survey shows that people want self-driving cars to be programmed to minimize casualties during a crash, even if it causes the death of the rider. Trouble is, the same survey shows that people don’t actually want to ride in cars that are programmed this way. That’s obviously a problem—and we’re going to have […]
Belgian Riot Police Clash With Striking Prison Guards
Belgian riot police clashed with prison guards who were on strike and demonstrating at the Justice Ministry. The prison warders had burst into the Belgian Justice Ministry building on Tuesday, breaking windows and trashing fittings before being forced out by baton-wielding riot police firing pepper spray. Press TV reports: About a thousand demonstrators had gathered […]
Rare anticyclonic tornado discovered during recent outbreak in Oklahoma
A closer look at the anticyclonic tornado track Most tornadoes spin counter-clockwise, but during Monday’s tornado outbreak, one tornado was spinning clockwise or backwards. Anticyclonic tornadoes are very, very rare, but a tornado near Roff, Oklahoma, was on the ground for almost 13 miles. An anticyclonic twister developed about 6 miles north-northwest of Sulphur […]
It’s unfair to say Hillsborough police were incompetent – it takes great organisation to tell such shocking lies
One touching side to the aftermath of the Hillsborough verdict, is how few people responsible for the tragedy, the lies or the cover-up appear to show the slightest signs of remorse, which is heartening because there’s no point in adding to the suffering is there? This is excellent news as it should save on […]
War on Terror Turns Inward – NSA Surveillance Will Be Used Against American Citizens
In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against […]
Dr. Duke shows that Black Lives Matter is a media creation that is detrimental to black interests
Dr. Duke shows that Black Lives Matter is a media creation that is detrimental to black interests Dr. Duke addressed the continuing controversy over Donald Trump’s inability to sufficiently beg for forgiveness every time he is asked to disavow David Duke. He recounted an interview he had last night with the black reporter who had […]
Scientists Create Material That Could Allow Us to Breathe Underwater Without Oxygen Tanks
The ability to breathe underwater without oxygen tanks has long been a dream of humanity. Now it is very likely to become a reality, thanks to so-called Aquaman crystal, created by scientists from the University of Southern Denmark. It is a crystalline material that can absorb oxygen from the environment and store it so that […]
Hero a la Mode
by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (November 1990) On 25 July 1876 a regiment of cavalry, sent by General Terry in advance of his troops for reconnaissance, and under the command of Colonel George Armstrong Custer, (1) entered the valley of the Little Big Horn in what is now southeastern Montana. Custer, probably deceived by […]
Coca-Cola and Pepsi contribute to nearly 200,000 deaths every year
(NaturalNews) Sugary drinks such as Coke and Pepsi kill nearly 200,000 people per year worldwide, according to a study conducted by researchers from Tufts University and published in the journal Circulation. The numbers are based on prior studies showing that sugar consumption can lead to heart disease, diabetes and cancer. “Many countries in […]