Posts Tagged ‘50’

The Story Of The Golden Boy – Why YOU Are So Important

At CE we’re often asked, “What can I do to change the world? How can I help?” And often, our response seems overly simplistic. People believe that in order to make a difference you have to look outside of yourself and make some grand gesture, but the truth is, change starts from within. Each of us has […]

Lawsuit Filed: Court To Count Real Bernie Sanders Vote Tally

Bernie Sanders earned more pledged delegates than Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries and now a long awaited lawsuit has finally been filed in Ohio alleging that systematic and coordinated election fraud stole the presidential nomination from Sanders. Filed by the Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity, the lawsuit presents evidence of statistically impossible […]

CDC alert: Candida Auris – The latest superbug creation

     Fungal infections caused by Candida are the most common type of fungal infections in the world. Fiercely opportunistic, Candida is a part of everyone’s intestinal flora. It doesn’t actually cause problems unless it takes over and crowds out the good bacteria. Then it causes numerous health issues. Four different species of Candida make up […]

Above Average Intelligence Black Guy has a Message for We Wuz Kangs

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 14, 2016 Here you have an above-average IQ Black guy (still well below the average White, mind you) lecturing Black people who blame Whites for everything and say they’re going back to Africa. He goes into some details about what is going on in Africa, and the fact that they wouldn’t […]

FLASHBACK: Gary Null documentary: The War on Health

     Here is a succinct review from Global Peace: ‘War on Health’ is the first documentary detailing and challenging the FDA agenda and its allegiance with the international Codex Alimentarius, which hopes to establish a monolithic food and health regime. Betraying its founding mandate to assure drug, food and chemical safety in the interests of […]

End Impunity For Suharto’s Crimes In Indonesia, Timor-Leste

Print Friendly Above photo: East Timorese demonstrate in Dili for justice. Photo by Karen Orenstein/ETAN. Jakarta – Indonesia recently held a symposium on the violent events of 50 years ago which brought the Indonesian General Suharto to power. The results were inconclusive as the dictator’s defenders denied the massacres and attacked those who want Indonesia to finally deal […]

Blasts rock Istanbul’s largest airport

Ahmed Furkan Gurtuna, a traffic officer who is working at the airport and was at the passport control at the moment of the attack, gave his firsthand account of the events, speaking to RT. “I saw one terrorist accessed the airport and he had an AK47 and shot civilian people… Turkish police wanted to kill […]

Soon, many Americans will be too brain-damaged to even discuss chemicals in common foods

(NaturalNews) Not only does the FDA refuse to test food toxins for safety, but they never test them in combination to find out how they may be damaging Americans’ ability to think. Medical doctors go to college for at least eight years to study how different prescription medications can or cannot be combined, […]

Beijing goes mobile in the South China Sea

In a nutshell, the non-stop drama, as ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) diplomats told me, is all about “escalation-management protocols.” Translation: how to prevent any unilateral outburst that could be interpreted as warlike. Compounding the problem is that ASEAN can’t seem to manage its own internal protocols. This past Tuesday offered a graphic illustration, […]

Orlando shooter’s father is running for president of Afghanistan, Zio-Watch, June 12-16, 2016

WASHINGTON (JTA) — A slate of 20 senators urged President Barack Obama to posthumously award Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel the Presidential Medal of Freedom, one of the nation’s highest honors. The letter made public Wednesday, spearheaded by Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, cited the role of Heschel, who fled Nazi-era Germany, in advancing the cause of […]

US bond yields could soon go negative: Strategist

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Alcohol banned at Euro 2016 fan zones, ‘sensitive’ areas after fan clashes

“I have asked for all necessary measures to be taken to prohibit the sale, consumption and transport of alcoholic drinks in sensitive areas on match days and the day before, and on days when fan zones are open,” Cazeneuve told the journalists.  UEFA to sanction Russia over stadium violence, threatens disqualification for English, Russian teams […]

Today’s Orlando Killer Was NYPD Fan – This Tells Us What?

WNYC is spending the afternoon talking about what is known, what might be known, what is possible, yada, yada. Rule One — Almost everything reported initially will be wrong and will change. It seems to me that by the time all the knowable (and releasable) facts come out, the media has moved […]

Zangeneh voices hope for inking 1st IPC in next three months ahead

TEHRAN, June 12 (Shana) – Iran’s Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh expressed hope for inking the first Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC) till the next two or three months ahead. He made the remarks in an interview with Seda Weekly Magazine. The Minister of petroleum said that he has held several meetings with the critics of […]

Brazil Begins Arrests Of Top Politicians

Brazil have begun the process of arresting and prosecuting their top senior politicians for corruption.  According The O Globo daily newspaper, a top Brazilian prosecutor is requesting the country’s highest court to issue arrest warrants for various politicians wanted for obstructing a corruption investigation into state oil company Petrobras. reports: Senate President Renan Calheiros […]

The Forgotten Mysterious Symbol at Roswell

Did you know there is a mysterious Swastika symbol located not far from Roswell, New Mexico? It was located in a totally empty inhabited land surrounded by weird symbols and patterns, But, the real question is what on Earth is a giant Swastika doing in the middle of the United States? The enigmatic symbol caused […]

Iran moves up in FIFA rankings

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian national football team moved up three places to reach No. 39 in the latest FIFA rankings announced on Thursday. Team Melli remains the best Asian Football Confederation team, followed by South Korea (50), Japan (53rd) and Australia (59th). Iran has been pooled in Group A in the final Asian qualifying […]

Zangeneh stresses calm atmosphere of OPEC meeting in Vienna

Vienna, June 2, IRNA – Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zangeneh underlined the calm atmosphere of a meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) here on Thursday. ‘On production there were several discussions; the first discussion was about continuing the same trend and the members to scrutinize on the volume of their production […]

NATO likely to declare cyberspace a warfare domain at Warsaw summit – German general

All 28 NATO member states are likely to agree to the proposal during the Warsaw summit, to be held in the Polish capital on July 8-9, Major General Ludwig Leinhos announced at the Berlin Air Show this week, Reuters reports. Russia working on ways to protect its internet due to US online dominance – Com. […]

15 Life ‘Rules’ To Know Before You Turn 30

Turning 30 is a major milestone. It’s really the point at which you leave the youthful 20s behind and settle into who you are, and what your life will be about. Here are 15 life rules you’ll want to know before you turn 30. Be Yourself Hopefully, you’ve already realized this. The older you get, […]

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