Today’s Jews are by ethnicity red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrels, in no way descended from Biblical Israelites or Judeans. Jew is not a race or a sub race of the human race. It is the End of Times Death Cult. A member of this death cult is called a Jew as many […]
Posts Tagged ‘1950s’
Zionist role in 1950s attacks on Iraqi Jews confirmed by operative & police report
WAPO Senior Editor Claims AR-15, Designed in Mid-1950s, Was Invented for Nazis
Washington Post senior editor Marc Fisher tweeted on Thursday that the AR-15 rifle was “invented for Nazi infantrymen.” Views: 0
‘3000 paedophiles’ held positions in French Catholic Church since 1950s — leaked report
An investigation into the French catholic church has uncovered shocking revelations about child sexual abuse. An independent commission leading the investigation says between 2,900 and 3,200 paedophiles have held positions within the church since the 1950s. A report by the commission that looked at church, court, and police archives as well as interviews with witnesses […]
University to Remove Murals from 1950s Because They Show Too Many White People
The University of Rhode Island has two folk-art murals that were painted in the 1950s by Dr. Arthur Sherman, an alumnus and veteran (who would also teach at the university) to honor those who had fought in the war from URI. The murals depict students talking to each other and and traveling to campus in […]
Gavin Mcinnes Says Supporting Trump Is Like Being Gay In The 1950s, Then Talks About ‘Sexy Babies’ Wearing Fishnets and Split Crotch Panties
Renegade Editor’s Note: No wonder this guy is paraded around the mainstream and alternative media as some kind of hero of conservative values. Gavin McInnes is using the same old tactics he always uses to scare his own listeners and corral them away from ever doing meaningful activism. In this video he declares that the […]
In the 1950s the CIA Sprayed a French Town With LSD, Here’s What Happened
The revelations were discovered by an American investigative journalist when he uncovered evidence that the CIA prepared local food The 50-year mystery known as the ‘cursed bread’ in Pont-Saint-Esprit France, which left residents of a sleepy French village suffering chronic hallucinations, was discovered to be a CIA experiment in which their bread was spiked with […]
Declassified CIA Docs Also Attest Hitler Was Alive and Well in Argentina in the 1950s (Picture of Hitler Included)
Declassified CIA files show that in 1955, an informant boasted about meeting with Adolf Hitler in Colombia, and provided pictures of himself with the Fuhrer (below) – over 10 years after the Fuhrer’s suicide. Declassified files show that in 1955, the CIA’s Western Hemisphere Division (WHD) chief received a secret memo, boasting a subject line […]
In The 1950s The CIA Sprayed A French Town With LSD, Here’s What Happened
In 1951, a French village suddenly became plagued with hallucinations and mass insanity. For decades, it was assumed that local bread had been poisoned with psychedelic mold, however, it has recently been discovered that instead, the CIA had contaminated the village’s food with LSD. The discovery was found by writer H.P […]
Liberal Zionism and the ethnonational imperative
Steven Salaita 30 December 2015 Liberal Zionists are terrified to hear Palestinians express a simple desire for equality. Ashraf Amra APA images I recently shared a stage with Columbia University professor Joseph Massad and listened to him vigorously condemn anti-Semitism, deconstructing with his characteristic acuity the problems of conflating Jewish peoplehood with the conduct of […]
Bright green meteor seen flying across Southern California skies
A lot of people in the Southland reported seeing what looked like a meteor streak across the sky on Tuesday night. There were tweets from all the way from Ventura to San Diego counties. The tweets all described the same bright green flash. CBS Los Angeles also received several calls from those inquiring about […]