John Vibes | The Free Thought Project South Padre Island, TX — It was recently reported that spring break celebrations will be monitored by police drones. For generations, college students have been able blow off some steam during spring break in relative safety. Even in the past, students who went on […]
Posts Tagged ‘110000’
Spring Break in a Police State — Cop Drones Spy on Partying Kids to Bust them for Victimless Crime
European Scientists Say Obama and Trump Are Closely Related To Hitler
What do Barack Obama, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump and the Rothschild family all have in common? It sounds like the beginning of a sick joke, doesn’t it? But unfortunately it isn’t! The answer is that these elite members of the world’s most powerful club are closely related members of the same family, according to a […]
Healing with water: An Indigenous approach
For the Desana people, speaking to the Water is a key to healing The science of cymatics literally shows us that sound influences the structure of water, but there are many who believe in the scientifically controversial idea that water can hold a ‘memory’ from the influence of light, sound and even human intention. […]
NEO – Georgia the NGO Heaven which is Hell for everyone else – Veterans Today
… by Henry Kamens, … with New Eastern Outlook, Moscow The seven golden domes of St. Petersburg [ Editor’s note: Henry takes us back to long suffering Georgia, which the US has chosen to turn into a den of international intrigue where players are abundant and the costs are low. As an added bonus it is […]