Syrian activists call for mass demonstrations after Friday prayers to test ceasefire

The Observatory also reported several demonstrations on Thursday night in the
eastern city of Deir al Zor and the northern commercial hub of Aleppo. It
said they were dispersed by security forces who fired into the air.

The United Nations says Assad’s forces have killed 9,000 people since an
uprising against him erupted 13 months ago. Authorities blame the violence
on foreign-backed militants who they said have killed more than 2,500 police
and soldiers.

World leaders welcomed the halt in fighting which had threatened to spill over
into neighbouring countries and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said the
situation looked calmer.

“The world is watching, however, with sceptical eyes since many promises
previously made by the government of Syria have not been kept,” he told
a news conference in Geneva.

Mr Annan wants up to 250 unarmed U.N. observers in Syria.

Ambassador Vitaly Churkin of Russia, which has supported the Syrian government
in what it says is a battle against foreign-funded armed gangs, said the
15-member Security Council could adopt a resolution authorising the
deployment on Friday.

“The full-fledged mission will take some time to deploy … If we are
able to put 20 or 30 monitors (there) early next week, very good,”
Churkin said. “If we are able to put more in the next few days that’s
even better.”

A draft resolution by the United States included a vague threat of future
action against Damascus, saying the council “expresses its
determination, in the event that the Syrian government does not implement
its commitments, to consider further measures as appropriate”.Along
with the withdrawal of forces from population centres, Mr Annan’s six-point
plan calls for talks with the opposition aimed at a “political
transition”, the release of political prisoners, access for
humanitarian aid and journalists, and for the authorities to “respect
freedom of association and the right to demonstrate peacefully”.

Burhan Ghalioun, head of the opposition Syrian National Council (SNC), said he
did not trust the authorities to allow the renewal of protests after Friday
prayers, a feature of the uprising that has been subdued by violence in
recent months.

The authorities, he said, had their “hand on the trigger”.

“While we call on the Syrian people to protest strongly … we ask them
to be cautious because the regime will not respect the ceasefire and will
shoot,” he told Reuters.

The Syrian Interior Ministry said only pre-authorised demonstrations would be
permitted by police, a caveat which the opposition said did not bode well.

“This is ridiculous,” said an activist called Musab from Hama city,
a focus of opposition activity and government bombardment along with Homs
and Idlib. “They will not give you permission and you will be taken to
jail if you ask for it”.

The SNC’s spokesman said Assad could simply not afford to stop shooting, since
that would allow a new wave of mass protests against his family’s four
decades of absolute power.

“As soon as there is a real ceasefire, people will come out to the
streets, demonstrating and demanding his removal, his stepping down. So I
think the regime has to retaliate by opening fire again,” spokesman
Bassam Imadi told Reuters in Istanbul. “But lets hope for the better.”Mr
Ban said there had been a surge in Syrian refugees fleeing to Turkey and
Lebanon this week and an estimated 1 million people inside Syria now needed
humanitarian assistance.

“This ceasefire process is very fragile – it may be broken any time if,
and when, there is another gunshot,” Ban said. “This is a very

Source: Reuters

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