Syria: William Hague tells Friends of Syria refusing sanctions akin to allowing killings

But his defection is the clearest signal yet that some in Assad’s inner circle
think his days in power are numbered, as an uprising that began in March
2011 with a groundswell of peaceful protest turns into a civil war with
strong sectarian overtones.

While the lightly armed rebels are no match for Syria’s large and
well-equipped army, their hope lies in eroding loyalty and conviction within
Assad’s establishment to the point where it loses its hold on power.

Syrian armour pushed into the rebel-held northern town of Khan Sheikhoun on
Thursday, activists said, adding 11 victims to a death toll dissidents and
Western leaders put at over 15,000.

French President Francois Hollande urged stiffer sanctions against Assad and
more support for the rebels at the start of a meeting of Western and Arab
states who back the uprising.

“Bashar al-Assad must go,” Hollande told a meeting of foreign ministers and
senior diplomats from the “Friends of Syria” group. “It’s in the interest of
Syria, of its neighbours and everybody who wants peace in the region.”

Clinton renewed Washington’s call for a U.N. sanctions resolution, something
that was twice blocked last year by the veto power held by Moscow and
Beijing in the Security Council.

And she called for states to penalise Russia and China:

“I will tell you very frankly, I don’t think Russia and China believe they are
paying any price at all – nothing at all – for standing up on behalf of the
Assad regime,” Clinton said.

“The only way that will change is if every nation represented here directly
and urgently makes it clear that Russia and China will pay a price, because
they are holding up progress – blockading it. That is no longer tolerable.”

The Paris meeting will, among other things, focus on firming up sanctions and
closing loopholes such as continued Greek purchases of Syrian phosphates,
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told the newspaper Aujourd’hui en

Tlas, whose father Mustafa was defence minister under Assad’s father for three
decades, is a Sunni Muslim, from the majority community that has been the
focus of the uprising against a ruling class rooted in Assad’s minority
Alawite sect.

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