Syria: Webster Tarpley about jihadists and NATO-backed destabilization

The known author and lecturer Webster Griffin Tarpley gave another interview about the situation in Syria. This time, Tarpley spoke with Press TV and talked about his opinions and the things he saw in Syria. Again, Webster Tarpley shared his insights about the movements by Western and Arab elements and organizations behind the curtains to destabilize Syria and to pave the way to Iran.

Tarpley is also convinced that it is a strategy to terrorizing the Syrian population. Maybe these dubious elements think that the more they terrorize the Syrian people the more get angry with their government and president Bashar al-Assad and jump on the side of the questionable Syrian “opposition”, based in Istanbul, Turkey.

The author Webster Tarpley explained that he was in Syria himself in the second half of November and also visited the Syrian city of Homs and the Zahra neighborhood. For example, in particular the workers and doctors at the Zahra hospital shared the main demand that they don`t want the Syrian army and security forces taken out of their area.

These people, ordinary people of all religions and ethics, told Tarpley that they want the Syrian army to come in and really do something against the armed religious fanatics, criminals and extremists.

Tarpley also told Press TV, that the main demand he heard was that these people in Homs and other districts of Syria want the Syrian army to post itself on the rooftops of houses to prevent terrorist snipers from killing people. He also told Press TV that the people in Syria are convinced and know that these snipers are killing everybody. They kill you if you are “pro-Assad, anti-Assad” or just taking your kids to school.

Not to mention that these religious fanatics and armed criminals burned down about 900 schools already and killed over 30 Syrian teachers – even members of the so-called “Syrian Electronic Army” (SEA). Targeted killings of blogger, coders and hackers, who did nothing more than using their more or less knowledge online.

Webster Tarpley also said in this new interview about the situation within Syria, that it does not matter whom these snipers are killing, because afterwards questionable TV channels as al-Jazeera, al-Arabiya, BBC, France 24, SkyNews, ABC or ARD arrive and tell the world that it is “another victim of the Assad regime” – while missing all facts and confirmations.

For the known author Tarpley is this, regarding the United States, the Salvadorian option. He explained this with the discussion inside the Pentagon on how to start a civil war in Iraq at the beginning of the year 2005. At this discussion inside the pentagon, they also talked about the use of death squads which they have been used in Latin America, Argentina and so on. Tarpley is convinced and seems to know that a part of this “civil war to Iraq”-plan was already Syria and to increase the level of chaos there.

The author is also convinced that the dubious head of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) is just a undoubtedly NATO agent of some kind. Tarpley explained, that this questionable colonel of the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) made an ultimatum on Wednesday and said that he is giving the Syrian government four days to stop the shootings and that they have to basically surrender or else he will carry out some spectacular actions. Webster Tarpley thinks that the suicide bombings within the Syrian capital Damascus and the attack on journalists in the area of the Syrian city Homs belong to these “spectacular actions” of this bunch of armed fanatics and criminals.

Webster Tarpley also explained that the head of the Arab League (AL) observer mission, the questionable Sudanese general al-Dabi, wanted to go to Iskenderun, Turkey, because it seems that there is the main NATO base from where all this is being organized.

Afterwards Tarpley talked about the 600 to 1500 Libyan fighters from the Libyan Islamic Fighting group, in other words al-Qaeda, which arrived in Turkey to help destabilizing the neighbor country Syria. This bunch of Libyan criminals, “rebels” and armed fanatics is led by the infamous butcher Belhadj and owns a lot of heavy weapons.

Of course, the CIA, US Joint Special Operations Command, British and French Special Forces officers are not far away. Webster Tarpley is convinced, considering all this, that the Israelis cannot be far away, too.

The author also mentioned that you notice that the vast majority of violence happens in these peripheral areas at the borders of Syria. The Lebanese, the Turkish, the Iraqi or the Jordanian border of Syria, because this so-called “uprising” is all being raised and brought in from abroad.

Tarpley is convinced that it is a cross border invasion and that there is no real civil war in Syria and also no uprising in Syria per se. It is a cross border invasion of the death squads and terrorists which are financially supported by Arab and Western elements – also armed by them.

Then Webster Tarpley spoke about the head of the Libyan Islamic Fighting group, Belhadj. Belhadj is the butcher of Baghdad and killed Shiites in Baghdad for the United States, so that the infamous civil war could begin there.

Tarpley also names him the butcher of Tripoli, who was also part of the NATO invasion in Libya. The author also mentioned, that the prime minister of Spain, Aznar, has pointed out that this infamous butcher Belhadj is one of the prime movers of the known train bombing in Madrid 2004. It is no surprise that Tarpley calls him also the butcher of Madrid.

Webster Tarpley explained also about the situation in Syria, that the goal of US and British NATO foreign policy in 2011 was the destabilization of all Arab and all Middle East governments – but with some exceptions. Leaders as Mubarak and Ben Ali were dumped, so Tarpley, because these people had become powerful enough to say “no” on certain issues of the West. He explained that the US wanted Egyptian bases and also Egyptian troops for Iraq, but Mubarak said no. So they eventually decided that it is the time to get rid of him and other powerful Arab leaders.

Webster Tarpley finally also explained a bit more about the connections between the US and British administration to Belhadj and his right-hand man, who is called el-Harrathi, and is also in Iskandarun at the moment. Tarpley also mentioned el-Salibi, who is responsible for delivering the money. Tarpley explained that the wrecking of Libya cost about two billion dollars, specifically from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

He is convinced that one have to look at Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as the responsible people who are also financing this. The direction is clearly NATO. The people on the ground are so-called “jihadists”, armed criminals and religious fanatics and extremists, from Iraq and all over. Brought in to Syria by NATO intelligence while Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) financially support all this, too.

You can read the full transcript of the Interview about the situation in Syria with Webster Tarpley at e.g. Voltaire Network.

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