Syria: Weapons for rebels with the help of Gulf States and U.S.

In Syria, it still looks rather bleak for the peace, which Kofi Annan and others want to supposedly implement. If Kofi Annan, the United States, Turkey and some Gulf States like Saudi Arabia and Qatar really want to help in achieving a peaceful solution for Syria, the governments and regimes of these countries should not help in supporting the Syrian rebels / terrorists with weapons, ammo and money.

This is a violation of the six-point plan by Kofi Annan and also a war crime, as it is correctly published and considered by e.g. LandDestroyer. Even the Washington Post seems to consider this as a violation of the peace plan by Kofi Annan.

Of course, in the end it is nothing new that the United States, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia support the not-peaceful rebels in Syria with weapons, money and advice. Considering the sovereignty of Syria, this could even be a declaration of war. Not to mention the visit of some external Syrian opposition figures to Kosovo to get some advice and help of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

Also this visit was not condemned by the so-called “international community”, which still spreads the opinion that they stick to the values of justice, democracy and freedom. It becomes more and more questionable whether the West is really interested in implementing the six-point plan by Kofi Annan and whether Mr. Annan is just another tool to destabilize Syria – by selling this hidden destabilization as a peaceful solution to Western citizens.

Watching the real events in Syria and watching Western media, one will quickly realize that the West sticks to its plan: the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who gave a new interview to Russia24 yesterday, has to fall, no matter what it might cost. It has just developed to another method than it was in the past, e.g. in Libya and Iraq.

Sure because also the West knows behind the curtains that the majority in Syria supports the reform process of the President al-Assad and that Russia and China are not willing to start a surface fire in the entire Middle East. Not to mention that Moscow is not really pleased with the questionable Western foreign policy after the events in Libya. While Russia has its port in the Syrian city of Tartous (Tartus), it is also clear that Russia is no real big friend of Syria, but Moscow has own interests, just like China.

Probably there will be no international military intervention in Syria. No foreign armies will invade Syrian ground, but still there is no time to breathe for the Syrian people and the government in the capital Damascus. Hypocritically sanctions, the media war and the terrorism by armed Western-backed radicals, criminals and religious fanatics still let the Syrians suffer.

As it was mentioned at the last meeting of the so-called “Friends of Syria“, the support of the armed groups within Syria is ongoing and even running very well. When you have such friends, you really need no enemies. At least since April, the armed groups and criminals in Syria are getting a massive support by Saudi Arabia and Qatar with money and weapons.

Washington has increased its “support” dramatically, too. As one can read, the United States allegedly does not deliver weapons to the armed groups in Syria, but America (U.S.) delivers technical equipment, advice and connections to the armed people, which have nothing more in common with peaceful protesters. The United States have close ties with Saudi Arabia and Qatar and it is no secret anymore that both Gulf States deliver weapons and ammo to the gunmen in Syria.

Consequently, Washington cares about the coordination and delegation of financial resources. One could wonder whether coordination also means that the U.S. Administration cares about further steps of the armed groups in Syria. Some could be even so bold to ask whether Washington cares about upcoming places of attacks.

The weapons in the hands of those in Syria, who certainly do not pursue the goals of peace and democracy anymore, are still concerned mostly from the Lebanese black market. It is no surprise that a Lebanese author has mentioned that the Lebanese government and the Prime Minister could have more intimate contacts with Jeffrey D. Feltman than it is known or good for Lebanon.

The border and the border region of Syria are still problem areas and the Syrian army should bring these areas under a better control, although it seems not to work after all the months. Sure also because of the support for arms trafficking of some neighboring governments.

There is still no condemnation of the violations of the six-point plan by Kofi Annan from Western governments against the support with weapons to the armed groups in Syria. Even now, when it is clear that the “Syrian National Council” (SNC), based in Istanbul, does not care about peaceful solutions for Syria and boosts the violence in this country, the West stays silent about these violations of the peace plan.

Democracy and good values are sure something else. There are no questions anymore that some governments in the West and some Gulf States are not interested in peaceful solutions for Syria. These governments and Gulf regimes work opposing the six-point plan of Kofi Annan.

They upgrade the opponents of the Syrian government and the Syrian President in Damascus for further, intensified fighting; while the Western journalism falls so deeply that it seems even the lowest level in the times before the war against Iraq has been already undercut by most Western editorial offices.

The new reports about the support with heavy weapons for the gunmen in Syria are not only published to spread fear. These reports are true and thus, the values of Democracy are hard to find. If this is in line with the development of democracy in the Middle East, nobody would be surprised when Arabs will answer with a “no, thank you”. One cannot advertise democracy and the freedom of press by boosting violence and chaos in a sovereign state and by such a propaganda war about and against a country. This is contrary to the real values of freedom, democracy and logical thinking.

Some Western governments and Western journalists celebrate the upgrade of the Syrian rebels without actually caring about the people in Syria. Just as the “Syrian National Council” (SNC), a Islamists council, these governments in the West seem to not care about the Syrian population as long as they are able to reach their goals or, at least, to take another step at the attempt to reach their dubious goals and questionable intentions.

In the interests of America, to finally succeed in removing the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad from his post in Syria, every mean seem to be OK. Since the United States are not willing to start another war of aggression in their election year, the U.S. administration simply arms the terrorists in Syria and is dependent on cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists. This also counts for some European states.

For example, Germany. While the German government is not happy about Salafists in Germany, they support radical Salafists abroad. This double-sided policy will strike back someday as the history has already shown it.

It seems the West is not able to learn from the mistakes of the past. For example the arming of the Taliban in Afghanistan. Currently, the West seems to be ready for any means to overthrow the hated Syrian President in Damascus and if Bashar al-Assad does not step down voluntary, the West will find ways to finally oust him.

The number of the ones, who share the interests of the United States is large and it is no wonder that have quickly found the financiers who now contribute to the fact that the fire of violence and chaos burns in Syria and that this fire is already spreading to other areas.

Considering all this, the hypocritically words of the German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle sound more and more ridiculous. The German Foreign Minister warns of a surface fire in Syria and the Middle East now, and he wants to help to dam the threat of such a fire in the Middle East. One should mention that Mr. Westerwelle has already contributed to feed this fire. His words are just for the show and the German people.

If there is a real interest to support a peace process in Syria, what is to doubt after the recent developments and leaks, one should stop supporting the armed groups with weapons and stop to help such armed radicals with the coordination. Above all, one should also stop to provide them a huge platform in the media where they can spread their venom, faked information and lies.

That the Syrian government in Damascus is in fact also no real solution for Syria, at least, not in its current composition, is no secret. But one should assume that it is really the fact that only the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has the opportunity to bring Syria into a new era. The Syrian people differ between the Syrian government and the Syrian President, thus it is not the same for the most Syrians.

While the support for the Syrian President al-Assad is still huge, the criticism at the government in Damascus has increased. Also because of the fact, that a lot of Syrians feel alone in the threats of terrorism, violence and armed gangs. This also because the Syrian army is often missing in areas where the army should be to protect civilians.

As the reports by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and e.g. the Vatican have shown, these so-called “peaceful protesters” are also violent and a threat for every Syrian civilian. The level of sectarian anger and violence in the groups of armed “rebels” increases from day to day. The power struggle is raging in and about Syria. It seems the most just want to take over the rule in Syria, without doing anything in the real interests of the Syrian people.

Even the so-called opposition abroad is not better than the Syrian government in the capital Damascus. Considering recent events, some external opposition figures and groups are even worse than the Syrian “regime”.

Sometimes it seems that the only thing that distinguishes the two sites is the fact that the so-called “Syrian National Council” (SNC), based in Istanbul, Turkey, gets instructed and is controlled by Washington and probably also by the known Gulf States, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

It even seems there are no other explains why the dubious head of the “Syrian National Council” (SNC), Ghalioun, was re-elected, even though he has supposedly no support in this extremist organization. The opposition in the country itself is also not always the best and not everybody who rails against the Syrian government in Damascus is also representing the interests of the Syrian people.

As mentioned, everyone seems to strive for power and while the government maintains its power, this situation makes a progress really difficult and probably impossible. The support with weapons to the armed gangs in Syria provides no relaxation of the situation in this country. In contrary, this will boost the threats of a conflagration in the Middle East. Thus, the statements of the German Foreign Minister Westerwelle are not only hypocritically, but also pure lies for the German people.

The Western news about Syria remains the same bad level and are mainly directed against the Syrian government and the Syrian President al-Assad. The Western main stream media are in line and proven tools for propaganda purposes.

Statements of the Syrian government and / or the Syrian President are still dismissed as propaganda, while the unaudited reports of so-called opposition figures and so-called activists are published without any confirmation. This information is even published without any critical view, although some Western journalists sure know it better. The West is preparing for a war and the Western media tries to prepare the Western people for a war against Syria, in order to turn the focus on Iran later.

The strange news that the Syrian government tries to take the UN Observers under fire confirms the preparation for a war against Syria and also the propaganda (and false information) in Western media. The violations of the six-point plan are benefits for the armed groups and the so-called Syrian opposition, because the complete implementation of this peace plan for Syria would not help these sides to achieve their real interests, and they know it.

The government in Damascus would benefit of the implementation of the six-point plan, as their resignation is (no more) not required. So why should they want to cut off the branch on which it sits itself. Of course, Western media tries to prevent that somebody gets even an idea to really start to think about such logical facts.

What really happened in Khan Sheikhoun (Khan Shaykhoun) is difficult to fathom. The presentation of the Syrian government side, however, is conclusive as the strange presentation of the so-called rebels. In this Syrian city, there was a renewed attack on the UN observers. The vehicle of the UN Observers was damaged and, at least, one observer was wounded by the attack.

On the part of observers, there is no real statement about this attack, but only from the side of the armed gangs. If the UN observers found refuge with the armed “rebels”, why do they do not comment this and why do they thank the Syrian army for caring about them? (Statement of Gen. Mood)

It is more likely then, that the UN observers were lured by the armed rebels into a trap. After all, the incident has more benefits for the so-called rebels than for the government side, because Western media does not ask questions, as stated. And since the objective reporting was abolished, both sides are not shown with the same manners. As said, there are different representations of the incident in the Syrian city of Khan Sheikhoun (Khan Shaykhoun).

The opponents of Assad’s reported that the UN observers were attacked by government forces while visiting a funeral and sought shelter with the armed “rebels”. The other side represents the incident, that the UN Observers were almost forced to attend the funeral and then called on the authorities to help. The latest statements of General Mood seem to confirm this representation.

There were skirmishes between the regular Syrian army and the armed men, in which a UN observer was injured. The UN observers were detained by the Western-backed rebels and freed by the regular Syrian army. Also video footage, which is circulating on the internet about this incident, fits more to this representation, than the representation of the armed “rebels”. Finally, it is hard to tell what the truth is and what a lie is.

The armament of the Western-backed rebels violates the peace plan by Kofi Annan and will likely lead to the point that more and more Syrian soldiers will be killed, but also Syrian civilians, not only in the fighting, but also because these Syrian civilians are not supporting the armed “revolution” in Syria or just because they have a different religion.

The former safe country was pushed into a dangerous area through the dubious interests of various groups and Western imperialism. Not to mention the still (and always) sad struggle between Sunnites and Shiites.

It will take a long time before a decision is made in Syria. One can only hope that Syria will be able to eventually recovered from all this, although it will last a long time, perhaps longer than a lot of people are willing to accept at the moment.

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