On 12 April 2012, about ten days ago, a ceasefire was implemented in Syria. This truce was very fragile from the start in Syria, of course. We have already stated why this ceasefire will be fragile in the previous posts about it. The armed radicals, strangers and religious fanatics have no real interest in a ceasefire because a truce in Syria will not help to achieve their only aim.
The so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) is not really interested in a ceasefire and still relies on violence and false-flag actions, which means, for example, that horrible massacres, committed by these armed groups, are presented as massacres by the regular Syrian army.
The known mass media are a thankful platform for these false-flag actions by armed groups in Syria. After all, the last vote at the UN Security Council (UNSC) was able to bring together all sides in the end, and also Russia and China agreed to the modified resolution about the six-point plan by Kofi Annan and the next observer mission to Syria.
This resolution about Syria was unanimously adopted at the UN Security Council (UNSC). The contents of this resolution on Syria was the deployment of a so-called “advance team” to Syria and its subsequent increase to 250 observers. But even before this mission has been fulfilled, however, there is already a new session of the UN Security Council (UNSC) today.
It seems that all sides have already agreed to the increase of the number of observers from 250 to 300 observers. 250 or 300 observers seem to be an important topic and raise some questions. The sold reasons for the new discussion on another resolution against Syria are the ongoing violence in this country of the Middle East and the so-called swoon of the observers of this advance team, who are already in Syria since some days.
Currently, there are no more than 30 observers in Syria. These observers have so far not really published a lot of information and reports about their stay in Syria. Until now, they only complained about the situation that they are allegedly not free to move in Syria. They claim that the Syrian government in the capital Damascus restricts their freedom of movement.
The Syrian government in Damascus had approved the next observer mission if the government is responsible for the safety of this “advance team”, and if the sovereignty of Syria will not be limited by the interaction of these observers. It is a difficult task for the currently active local observers in Syria, because they are not able to travel to the known stronghold Homs for security reasons.
The truce is broken again and again in Syria. Not only from the government side, but also or even mainly by the armed groups and the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA). The armed forces are not interested to give up any of their occupied territories and as stated, they know that a real truce and real diplomatic negotiations about the situation will not help them to really achieve their goal.
The Syrian government has, however; still the duty to protect the Syrian residents and considering the last true reports by e.g. Human Rights Watch (HWR) and the Vatican about the violations of human rights by the armed radicals and religious fanatics of the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), there is no question that the protection of the residents is legitimated. Especially in and around the Syrian city of Homs, the situation is still bad.
After the implementation of the ceasefire and the withdrawal of the regular Syrian troops, many residents of the Wadi al-Nasara, mainly Christians, have taken the protection of their families and their houses into their own hands.
The residents of Wadi al-Nasara partly armed themselves and defend their own property and lives since the last massacres by armed rebels in their region. The Syrian residents in this area are also no more willing to accept the torture, kidnapping and murder by these armed Western-backed rebels.
This implements that the Syrian residents in Wadi al-Nasara are not protected by the Syrian army because the Syrian army had to withdraw to implement the six-point plan by Kofi Annan. Of course, in the West one will not be able to read about it or, at least, the story will be turned upside down for propaganda purposes and because these so-called journalists do not put the dubious information of so-called Syrian activists into questions.
These stories are useful for Western media, that`s the sad truth. Journalism is no more about the truth; it is just about economic interests and the dogmas of policies. Unfortunately, there is a lack of reporting about these developments in the Western media.
In Western media they still quote rather ominous activists named as Omar Homsi or they quote the information of the Muslim Brotherhood office in London, the so-called “Syrian Observatory for Human Rights” (SOHR), which can easily be called a propaganda office. Of course, without any checks of the information.
That is no problem, because some still rely on the common phrase that no independent journalists are allowed in Syria. This empty phrase was already unmasked as a lie for propaganda purposes by the final report of the last Arab League (AL) observer team. This final report was then buried by Qatar.
The guy Omar Homsi is able to deliver messages from Homs and also owns all technical bells and whistles. He delivers updates about the situation in Homs undisturbed for months now. His name is a useful pseudonym, of course. Nobody knows, who this person is and how he is able to report out of Homs since months without being captured or killed, considering the Western phrase, that the regular Syrian army is so brutal.
Also Skype seems to work every day and night without any problem. Of course, nobody of the Western editorial offices is really interested in answering such questions because all the updates about the allegedly situation in Syria by Omar Homsi are exactly what the Western media wants to distribute and publish. Why should they check the credibility and information when it`s the information they want?
That is the new way of Western journalism. Citizens in the West have to accept this, because there is no way to do something about it. For example, the German press codex is not as honorable as Germans might think.
The West and Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, together with the Turkish government under Erdogan, are pushing Syria into a deeper impasse. The support of the armed radicals and so-called “rebels” continues in various ways by the West and these Gulf States. The “opponents” of the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad call louder for a military intervention in Syria is either assumed as good or it is ignored for purposes. Since Wednesday, the known AIPAC-darling Hillary Clinton has set a new tone against Syria.
Hillary Clinton has demanded that the “international community” (a useful phrase to brainwash Western people) should actually check if the Syrian government in Damascus cannot be taken by force to implement the peace plan. Interestingly enough, another lie by Hillary Clinton.
It was no surprise afterwards that France agreed immediately on the phrases by Hillary Clinton. Germany, Britain and other European countries are already involved; some are involved more in public, others less and rather acting behind the curtains.
France had even the requirement of at least 500 observers, which should be equipped with all technical stuff (and even arms). France also demanded that observers should fly over Syria with helicopters. Sarkozy, the little Napoleon, is a threat to the world safety, just like some others. But a military intervention in Syria, even if it is demanded by the so-called external “Syrian opposition”, even without a UN mandate, is currently neither helpful nor debatable.
Of course, the U.S. administration clearly pursues the aims to topple the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and to establish a so-called puppet government in Syria. Western media and governments like the American administration, however, like to forget and cover the fact that the majority of the Syrian population is still behind the president al-Assad.
A military intervention in Syria would have disastrous consequences and would never be supported by Russia. After all, Russia has always stressed that the Syrian government is not the only side which is to blame for the situation in Syria. Moscow has also published the statement, that there are plenty of forces which have great interest that the six-point plan by Kofi Annan will be undermined and that the ceasefire is sabotaged. It is correct what Russia says.
These forces are not to found only on the Syrian government side, but rather on the side of the external opposition and their supporters in the background. The so-called leader of the Islamist “Syrian National Council” (SNC), Ghalioun, which was “elected” for this “job” by the Muslim Brotherhood, rejects any dialogue with the Syrian government and the Syrian President al-Assad to solve the situation diplomatically.
The “Syrian National Council”, in which 250 members are Islamists, confirmed by opposition members and e.g. Reuters, has no real interests in negotiations because talks do not help them to achieve their goal(s). Until now, there is no serious agenda and just examples that the “Syrian National Council” (SNC) does not really care about the Syrian population.
It is also clear that this dubious “Council”, based in Istanbul, is just a marionette of Gulf States and America. The last leaked emails by Ghalioun seem to prove that, too, after other opposition members have already stated that Ghalioun has to ask Hillary Clinton first when he wants to do something.
If the ceasefire in Syria is enforced and when the six-point plan by Kofi Annan is completely implemented, this also means that a dialogue between the conflicting parties has to start. Some forces are not willing to and try to prevent this. Even some democratic Western governments seem to try to prevent real diplomatic talks.
This is exactly one of the reasons why the ceasefire in Syria is again and again violated by the armed radicals, religious fanatics and foreign mercenaries (e.g. Libyan fighters, Iraqi jihadists) in Syria. Some want to enforce their own obsession with power in Syria and do not care about the Syrian population. They just use the useful phrase that they care about them because they know that this phrase “works” in the West.
For this reason, people still die in Syria. Other than it is often depicted by Western media, Syrian soldiers and security forces die again and again in Syria. In addition, the Western-backed rebels are tormenting, kidnap, rape and kill Syrian civilians, mainly Christians and Alawites. This fact alone has to encourage reflection and critical-thinking about the Western propaganda by Western mass media and governments.
After the increasing propaganda against Syria in the last days and the clear signals to Damascus, the new round of negotiations on a second resolution to the observers begins at the UN Security Council (UNSC).
Although it is still not quite sure whether the vote will be brought to an end today, the most participants of this meeting were in good spirits before. If there is an agreement today, one can already expect more observers in Syria tomorrow. The Syrian government will ensure the complete freedom of movement.
That one is not able to end the violence in Syria overnight should be clear to all. It is also clear that Syrian continues slipping into chaos, the longer this situation remains as it is. Neither the U.S. administration nor any other governments have the right to decide over the heads of the Syrians, but unfortunately this is without relevance when it comes to the questionable intentions to further weaken the Iran and to isolate it.
Not to mention the “axis of evil” and the religious ambitions of some Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The Syrian population is without relevance for these questionable intentions and dubious interests.
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