Syria: U.S. Homeland Security Secretary – “we support the rebels with weapons”

The Munich Security Conference was a very hypocritically event this year. Considering the dubious machinations of NATO and the United Nations (UN) in recent years, it seems that the Security Conference is not really caring about the security of the people. It just cares about the interests of the participating governments.

Of course, the “prominent U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman” gave a typically U.S. answer to the veto of Russia and China at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Joseph Lieberman said at the Munich Security Conference that the United States then just support the so-called rebels in Syria – under head nods and applause by Tawakel (Tawakul) Karman.
Remember, Tawakel Karman – 2011 – Nobel Peace Prize.

Nothing seems different to the hypocritically Nobel Peace Prize for the U.S. President Barack H. Obama. The Yemenite Tawakel Karman is Sunni and a member of the Al-Islah party. Of course, she supports the so-called “uprising” in Syria. No Question.

Back to the Munich Security Conference and the questionable statements of Joseph Lieberman: The U.S. Senator Lieberman said that “Russia and China have put themselves by their veto on the wrong side of the history”. Lieberman also mentioned that “they will get as internationally isolated as the Assad regime when they don`t change their stance” on the topic Syria.

China and Russia internationally isolated (nowadays, NATO is immediately similar to the “international community” – even if that is a wrong synonym..)?! How blind and arrogant are these U.S. politicians like Joseph Lieberman, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Condoleezza Rice…? They seem to live in their small world and no one wonders about that situation, also Tawakel Karman doesn`t put this in question.

Joseph Lieberman has let once again the cat out of the bag. Lieberman had a very “democratic suggestion” which is perhaps not really in line with international laws. He said, that if the Syrian President “al-Assad should not give in, the international community has a lot of opportunities”.

By using “international community” he meant just a part of the real international community. Lieberman went further and said that the “international community could support the Syrian rebel army.” As if they do not do already…

Note: Russia is to blame for the arms delivery of NATO to the “insurgents” in Syria. If NATO has no chance on its war by a resolution, NATO has to take use of their “representatives” (e.g. the “representatives” locally). We already know a little bit similar scenario from Libya.

But the Western media misses an important fact in their coverage of the Munich Security Conference and about the new statements of Joseph Lieberman. Lieberman is the head of the U.S. Committee on Homeland Security and controls the “top secret” Department of Homeland Security in the United States, which was founded by George W. Bush; another warmonger and hypocrite.

Strangely enough, the “security professionals” at the Munich Security Conference did not discussed about peaceful paths for peace in this area, the Middle East. Especially they seem to be not interested in a real peaceful solution for Syria.

The NATO accuses Russia for arms sales to Syria? The U.S. even lead the armed criminals, gangs and religious fanatics in Syria and also train them (together with France and Britain) in Lebanon and Turkey. Further information about that: here and e.g. on the German blog Hinter-der-Fichte (1 / 2).

Image: Phaitoon /

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