The violence in Syria goes on, gets boosted by arms delivery to the several groups of religious fanatics, criminals and mercenaries, and the wrangling about a solution and influence in the country is also continued. Nothing really new, except that the armed groups get more modern weapons from foreign powers like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel since some time.
Not to mention that there are now also American weapons in the hands of these armed insurgents, which consist of Islamists / jihadists from other Arab countries, criminals, mercenaries and even some Europeans. Meanwhile, everyone seems to forget to look on the ones who really suffer.
Although the situation in Syria is always denounced as precarious abroad, but nothing has really moved so far and the hypocritical sanctions fuel the bad situation for the Syrian civilians. As usually, these sanctions harm the population and the Western governments do know this.
That they still use these methods of sanctions against Syria testifies the intention behind the empty phrases like they would care about the “humanitarian situation”. The people in Syria should suffer so that they are more easily willing to change the sides and to revolt against the Syrian government in Damascus. It seems like this and it would nobody surprise finally, because this method is part of the so-called “unconventional warfare” agenda of the United States and thus, it is a part of a proposed “regime change” in another country.
As long as these Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as long as Israel and some other Western governments still supply the groups of armed radicals, Islamists, criminals and foreign mercenaries with weapons, money and other need, so long, nothing will really change and it should be clear for every logical thinking person that one cannot decrease the violence while you deliver a huge amount of modern weapons to a bunch of strangers. The word “strangers” is willfully used because we do not believe that these foreign powers really know all persons which they supply with weapons, ammo and money.
Of course, these foreign powers know actually that they deliver modern weapons and a lot of ammo and explosives to partly radical religious fanatics, criminals and so on, but as usually, some might think that this policy of double standards really would work.
But considering Afghanistan and more up to date, Libya, it should be really clear that this policy of double standards and the arming of radical groups is finally no real benefit and in the end even counterproductive. Although one could say that it is still even productive, because e.g. the weakness of another country is then still maintained and this even without huge efforts by the foreign powers itself.
Considering Syria the plan of the NATO countries is clear and becomes more and more obviously. It is an interesting point, the longer the situation in and outside Syria persists, the more obvious gets the false play of so-called democratic countries.
The NATO countries aim for a political change in Syria, they are working at the overthrow of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and want to implement a proxy government. Of course, beside the geo-political interests, beside the always hypocritical phrase about the protection of Israel and beside to the implementation of a puppet government, these foreign powers also want to weaken the resistance. It is interesting how Israel and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, even Salafists, are closing ranks – more and more.
In addition, it is always very interesting to see how the NATO countries try to intervene in the affairs of sovereign states, but get immediately indignant at hints of the smallest criticism about their questionable behavior. One could even say that the behavior of these Western governments is anything but democratic.
A new Syrian “contact group” will meet at the end of June in Geneva. Also Russia is among the sides who will meet in Geneva to discuss about Syria. Formerly Russia had refused its participation in the first so-called Syrian “contact group”, the “Friends of Syria“, which are more like enemies of the Syrian people rather than being humanitarian friends.
A reason why Moscow had refused its participation, because only the enemies of the Syrian government participated in the meetings of the so-called “Friends of Syria” and the topic was to make plans how to undermine the sovereignty of Syria. In addition these “Friends of Syria” openly support the armed rebellion and thus, they support Islamists, jihadists, criminals and mercenaries.
The “Friends of Syria” were and are just a tool to achieve the imperialistic goals of Western governments in Syria and even in the entire region. It is no surprise that these aims are also heavily supported by the Gulf regimes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
In Geneva, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (UNSC), the representatives of EU and UN, and the Arab League shall come together in order to find a political solution for the future of Syria, together with the Syrian leadership in Damascus. Whether the Iran will also participate in the negotiations in Geneva is still questionable.
Also questionable are the prospects of success of this new Syrian “contact group”. As long as Saudi Arabia and Qatar support the armed insurgency in Syria and supply the radical groups, Islamists and mercenaries with weapons, ammo and money by the help of Turkey and the United States, in addition to the support by Intelligence Agencies, the support of Israel and even parts of Jordan and Lebanon, the situation in Syria will absolutely not change.
The Syrian leadership in Damascus can get so pressurize while they try to get the situation under their control, but unless the radical terrorists and fighters of the terrorist “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) still get help from the outside and can rely on their guerrilla tactics under the advice of foreign intelligence, receive more and more weapons, the violence in Syria will truly continue. Every participant of the upcoming meeting in Geneva knows this with certainty, although it seems that all are blind on one eye.
After all, the efforts of the NATO countries as well as Saudi Arabia and Qatar lead to the fact, that some regions in Syria are beyond the control of the Syrian government. The armed occupiers are also a threat for all Syrian civilians which is already confirmed by the recent events in some districts of the Syrian city of Homs. Of course, there is much evidence for the violent human rights violations of these Western-backed “Syrian rebels”, but the Western media is not really interested to report about this. Some call them NATO media.
After the meeting of the questionable “Friends of Syria”, it was announced that they will provide money for the “Syrian rebels”, the armed militias, in order to also provide more weapons for them and, in addition, it was openly said that the money should be used to “convince” soldiers, better in higher ranks, so that they will renegade.
The soldiers of the regular Syrian army receive premiums if they desert from the troops and finally stand on the side of the opponent. A Syrian military pilot defected on Thursday with an old Russian Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 jet fighter aircraft during a training flight. As the Syrian state news agency SANA has reported, the contact to the pilot was lost during the exercise and the aircraft disappeared from the radar, and was finally forced to land in Jordan.
As already stated some days ago, the support by Russia would be more, if the Russian side would be totally convinced that the Syrian leadership acts in concert, but this is questionable. The situation in the Syrian government, leadership, is sure not easy and it would nobody surprise in the end if some people of the government still act selfish, arrogant and just in the interests of own benefits. Not to mention that there are indeed quarrels in the Baath party.
But in the end, this leadership, at least, the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has the support of the majority of the Syrian people and this has not yet changed although it is intended by foreign powers. There are also some people in the government circles, who are just interested in their own benefits, and they sabotage the system from within. It is hard to predict what future will await the Syria and the Syrian population.
Vladimir Putin stands to his stance, that the political change in Syria can only be done from the inside, and that the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will not be forced to resign. The Syrian population should decide about their future. But also Russia and China have to constantly defend themselves against the Western propaganda, more and more. The propaganda against Russia and China by Western media and governments is increasing in order to put more pressure on both countries, so that they might finally change their stance.
Even though the mainstream media constantly reports at regular intervals that “Russia has changed its stance towards Syria”, it was never really true. Western mainstream media and even Cameron are only interested to sell to the readers and people that even one of the last allies of Bashar al-Assad is now on the “correct side of the history”, although Sergey Lavrov is sure correct with his statements about what is the real “correct side of the history”.
In this case, Putin has emphasized all along, that it is not about the protection of Assad as president, but about the defense of international law and the political interests of Russia in Syria. On Russia’s standpoint, nothing has changed.
While the great powers still argue and quarrel, the violence in Syria continues further. The Western-backed terrorists, Islamists, and mercenaries continue with their raids further and still publish their lies by the “grateful” media. No evidence, no confirmation and never a investigation of stories. Investigative journalism is a fairy tale.
The fact that innocent people get hurt again and again, is accepted by these sides. In Homs, there are still the trapped Syrian families, because the armed gangs which have occupied the districts are not really interested to let them go. At least, the Syrians are useful in order to make use of them as “human shields”, because it is not the Syrian army, but the armed occupiers who in general make use of people, civilians, as “human shields”.
The Red Cross and the Crescent Syrian are still not able to get to the trapped families in order to help and evacuate them. The employees were shelled while they tried to attain the occupied district and to help the trapped Syrian civilians. The situation in Syria is anything but black and white.
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