The violence does not stop in Syria; on the contrary, the violence is increasing because not all sides are really interested in a peaceful solution for the Syrian people. Now, Lebanon is drawn more and more into this conflict, not only because supporters of the Syrian President al-Assad and opponents of the Syrian leadership are fighting each other in Lebanon, but also because Lebanese have now been hijacked by the armed rebels of the “Free Syrian Army” (FSA).
Not to mention that some sides are interested that the chaos and violence in Syria slips into Lebanon. It is no real surprise that some try to boost the tension between Sunnis and Shiites and that some also share the opinion that Saad Hariri supports the Western plans to destabilize Syria out of Lebanon. It seems not really dismissible that Saad Hariri would have no interests to support this violent “terror management” of the United States and Gulf States-allies like Qatar and Saudi Arabia in Syria.
One day after the riots in the Lebanese capital Beirut, some Shiite pilgrims from Lebanon were abducted near the northern Syrian city of Aleppo (Halab), as they were coming from Iraq on their way home to Lebanon.
Of course, this hijacking of the twelve Shiite pilgrims could boost the tensions again. It is rather more to believe that the kidnapped Lebanese pilgrims are more worth being alive for the Syrian opposition-forces than dead. The so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA) could use the hostages to free some prisoners and that could be a reason for the kidnapping of the Lebanese in northern Syria.
Not to mention that it seems that it is still hard to secure this area near Turkey, although it is hard to believe that this area isn`t getting observed like it should be after the last months. Of course, the Syrian border to Turkey is long, but that such kidnappings still happen is no good sign for the Syrian side. The kidnapping of the pilgrims was reason enough for Nasrallah to give a statement and to condemn this act. Nasrallah furthermore called on all people, especially the Shiites, to not start a campaign of revenge and to calm down to not boost the violence.
As mentioned, the Syrian rebels are probably trying the liberation of some prisoners by this kidnapping. This would not surprise anyone anymore. So far, it seems that the Syrian government in Damascus is often willing to agree on such “exchanges”. Although it is questionable, whether this really helps to decrease the violence in Syria. Hassan Nasrallah, the third Secretary General of Hezbollah, has announced yesterday, that he tries everything and that he will not rest, until the Lebanese pilgrims are freed again.
The Syrian rebels, who were rather inadequate armed at the beginning of the so-called “uprising” in Syria, have now not only more weapons, but also better weapons and enough ammo to continue the fight against the Syrian government in the capital Damascus and the Syrian President al-Assad. According to their own disclosures, the armed groups have also started to build weapon depots in Syria.
Whether the arming of the opposition-forces, radicals and religious fanatics gets stronger is difficult to say, but it seems like that. As usually, on the subject of Syria, the news are still flooding the internet, although the information and news are often not confirmed or there was even no attempt to check the information. The accuracy of a lot of articles can usually not be confirmed.
But the fact is that the gunmen in Syria receive support from some Sheikhs of the Gulf States since April. Of course, that`s just the official fact. Unofficially, the support with weapons and money for the armed groups in Syria by e.g. Qatar and Saudi Arabia was already implemented before April. With the money, (according to official figures) at least up to $ 200 million, the armed groups buy weapons and ammo on the black markets.
By this support and the foreign coverage, the Syrian rebels / terrorists are able to move freely across borders and they are also able to refill their stocks and to recover from fights against the Syrian army in neighboring states.
The financial support of the armed groups in Syria poses great dangers, but the West is closing its eyes or even accepts these possible dangers. After Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia and Libya, just to name some, nobody would be really surprised if the West would not accept these possible dangers just to succeed in their questionable interests and dubious intentions in other states.
Among the rebels, there are forces which receive a huge support by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. These forces want to increase their power and influence in Syria and are not interested in a peaceful, democratic, and secular country. That the Syrian leadership is a huge thorn in the eyes of some powerful persons in Qatar and Saudi Arabia is truly no surprise.
Parts of the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (SFA) are religious fanatics and criminals, which do not benefit from the six-point plan by Kofi Annan. They are not really interested in a ceasefire and the violations of the truce in Syria are an option for these radical forces. These radical forces are not interested in a decrease of the violence and the increase of stability in Syria.
Of course, this radical side is no option for a positive future of Syria. Considering all sides, the result could be that the current Syrian leadership is the least bad for the Syrian people. When the Syrian government and President Bashar al-Assad are able to really convince the Syrian people that they are now willing to implement positive reforms in the country and when the Syrian leadership tries to fight against corruption and social problems, it is at least the side which seems to guarantee a secular and mainly stable Syria.
The external Syrian opposition and its opposition figures are no real option and have already failed to convince the Syrian people of their allegedly goals for Syria. Until now, there is no real agenda by the “Syrian National Council” (SNC) and the majority of Syrians still supports the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Not to mention that the “Syrian National Council” (SNC) is a mainly Islamists council, which is already falling apart and just a puppet of foreign interests.
Selfish goals and dubious claims, various statements and the lack of political programs are counterproductive for any opposition. In addition, the violence, terror and bloodshed, which are boosted by this “opposition”, are damn counterproductive to increase the support by normal Syrian people.
Again and again, people are dying in Syria. All those Syrians who continue to support the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are more and more living in a particular anxiety, because the armed faces of this so-called “opposition” are not willing to accept other opinions or even other religions and sects.
These armed sides of the sold “uprising” in Syria will not deliver democracy and peace to this country of the Middle East. That should be a logical result, although Western editorial offices seem to be unable to think that way. Of course, not because they do not know more. It is no secret that you need the support of the own people to start another war.
This point and the easy way to sell stories, without any confirmations, when they are about another Arab dictator which kills its own people, are small reasons for the downfall of journalism in the West. In addition, some are even willing propaganda tools and not to forget the economic interests, which are very important.
The Western governments have a huge interest that the story of Syria is sold one-sided and insufficient in the newspapers and evening news of their countries. But the situation in Syria is far away from being just black and white. It is a complex, dangerous situation, which is partly hard to understand for normal Western people.
A lot of things are involved in the violence and chaos in Syria. Not only religious and historical reasons, but also geo-political interests and the arrogance of the United States, together with Israel, and the oil-rich regimes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Not to mention one of the main reasons, Iran. All those Syrians who continue to support the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are more and more living in a particular anxiety, because the armed faces of this so-called “opposition” are not willing to accept other opinions or even other religions and sects.
These armed sides of the sold “uprising” in Syria will not deliver democracy and peace to this country of the Middle East. That should be a logical result, although Western editorial offices seem to be unable to think that way. Of course, not because they are really unable to. It is no secret that you need the support of the own people to start another war.
This point and the easy way to sell stories, without any confirmations, when they are about another Arab dictator which kills its own people, are small reasons for the downfall of journalism in the West. In addition, some are even willing propaganda tools and not to forget the economic interests, which are very important.
The Western governments have a huge interest that the story of Syria is sold one-sided and insufficient in the newspapers and evening news of their countries. But the situation in Syria is far away from being just black and white. It is a complex, dangerous situation, which is partly hard to understand for normal Western people.
A lot of things are involved in the violence and chaos in Syria. Not only religious and historical reasons, but also geo-political interests and the arrogance of the United States, together with Israel, and the oil-rich regimes of Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Not to mention one of the main reasons, Iran. In fact, Assad’s supporters are repeatedly kidnapped or murdered by the armed gangs which are still celebrated in the West.
Of course, the Western mainstream media is not interested to report about such crimes of the supported armed “revolution” in Syria. It is a logical question: when the violence of the armed groups is already at that point, what will then happen if the Syrian President should be overthrown?
As the Austrian Defense Minister has told in a current interview, the minorities in Syria (Christians, Alawites, Armenians and so on…) will live at the highest risks if Bashar al-Assad is overthrown by this armed revolution, which has finally nothing to do with the in general favored revolution for a better live and country.
Then, the horrible events in Libya are with certainty only a small foretaste of what will happen in Syria. The weapons, which are now in such weapon depots, can then easily fall into the wrong hands. These weapons are already given in the wrong hands and how this could end can be already seen very well in Libya.
The West is playing with marked cards and works diligently on the overthrow of the Assad regime in Syria, even though it is outwardly denied, of course. Whether or not there is peace in Syria, this does not really matter for the ladies and gentlemen of the NATO countries, because the main goal does not care about the Syrian people. The geopolitical interests are more important and the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has transformed into a tool for these interests since a long time.
To achieve these goals in Syria and also the whole region, they have no shame to use every method. Reports without evidence are getting sold as the truth; the Western reader should be channeled in a particular direction. Most recently, a story is circulating in Western press about an at least partially successful poison attack on Assad’s crisis team.
Of course, this “information” is delivered by the external Syrian opposition, and it is rejected by the Syrian government as irrelevant and untenable page. In fact, some of the alleged victim gave interviews shortly afterwards, in order to show that their death is still wishful thinking of the so-called Syrian opposition. Other allegedly dead did not appear in television, but these are persons which never appeared on television, for logical reasons.
The fact is that the level of violence has risen sharply in Syria, and that innocent people are drawn again and again in the dirty power struggle. Here are both sides to condemn. The UN observers, who are now in Syria, were at least able to curb the violence in some places, but whether these UN observers can provide an effective and comprehensive compliance of the ceasefire in Syria is doubtful.
The situation in Syria is still in a stalemate from which neither side will probably end as a “winner”. The Syrian people have already lost and the way to the situation in Syria as the situation was known before the beginning of this partly misused and faked uprising will need a very long time and also many efforts to get back to that level.
One can just hope that the security will increase, the violence will decrease and that some start to care about the Syrian people and that some will forget about their interests for power and dubious intentions. The situation in Syria is not black and white and neither the Syrian opposition nor the NATO and United Nations (UN) do really care about the welfare Syrian people.
A so-called implementation of “humanitarian zones” is just a nicer word for a military intervention, which would increase the violence and chaos of the situation in Syria. The majority still supports the Syrian President and differs between the Syrian government in Damascus and the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The most Syrians in Syria do not trust this so-called opposition abroad and have already lost relatives and friends in this struggle for power and geopolitical interests. Not to mention the dubious goals of some Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
All these sides are not interested in the well-being of the Syrian people, they are only interested in their benefits and they walk over dead bodies. Much of the Syrian culture was irretrievably destroyed in recent months; many Syrians were robbed of their dreams for a power-mad war between religious and political forces. Which end it will take in Syria, is hard to predict.
Obama violates peace plan for Syria? See here.
Image: Simon Howden /
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