For the stirring up of religious conflict in Syria are terrorists responsible like Bouthaina Shaaban, currently working as media adviser for the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has said in a talk with Ilyas Umakhanov about the situation in Syria.
The political and media advisor to the Syrian president, Bouthaina Shaaban, said at a meeting with Ilyas Umakhanov, deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, the upper chamber of parliament, that “Mainstream Shia representatives, Alawites and Christians have been the target of such attacks, making the Sunni-Shia confrontation one of the elements of the crisis”.
Bouthaina Shaaban has also stressed in this meeting with Ilyas Umakhanov, that “until recently, Syria never saw any confrontation along religious lines, but such confrontation is underway today as a result of the work done by al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.”
But after the crimes by al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations such as the in Lebanon created Fatah al-Islam, such a confrontation looms. The terrorists, who commit such killings of civilians from various faiths, come from abroad, including the North African states.
That there are not only Syrians among the terrorists could be proved by the capture of many foreign mercenaries by the Syrian army. In addition to a former Guantanamo detainee among the prisoners, it is said, that also already German citizens are among the prisoners of the Syrian authority. These German citizens were allegedly arrested for the arms smuggling along the Mediterranean coast of Syria.
Even the German mainstream newspaper “Die Welt” has already reported about the participation of German Salafists at the unholy war in Syria. Not to mention the videos on YouTube by German Salafists and groups of the Muslim Brotherhood in Germany, which e.g. openly demand the “death of all Alawites (Alawis) in Syria”. In addition, one can easily change Alawites with Christians or other minorities. Thus, it would be really no big surprise anymore, if there are also German Salafists and members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, fighting shoulder to shoulder with their radical brothers in faith; but some are just usual paid mercenaries, for sure.
The armed Islamists, criminals and mercenaries in Syria, which are clearly terrorists, backed by the West and also by Gulf States like Qatar and Saudi Arabia, were transfigured (also) by this German newspaper to “Syrian rebels”, because the word “rebels” sounds better than the word “religious fanatics”. At least, more and more Germans seem to notice that the coverage of Syria by the German mainstream media is not only often bad, but also one-sided and far away from the dogmas of journalism.
These armed groups of different kind, which do not all belong to the so-called “Free Syrian Army” (FSA), have also, beside the goal to violently overthrow the Syrian leadership and President al-Assad, some different aims and motivations. It is no more a rarity when two of these armed groups have some quarrelling or armed gangs split into two groups.
These radical groups in Syria destroy the infrastructure of the country, attack the army, police and even civilians of the Arab nation and targeted wipe out individual representatives of the political, academic and cultural elite and the intelligentsia.
The aim of this subversion is the destruction of Syria. The High Commissioner for Human Rights, which is responsible for the Middle East, has pointed out, that the Syrian government has the right to protect the population against terror and crime.
Bombing in Dagestan (2010)
Ilyas Umakhanov, deputy speaker of Russia’s Federation Council, was himself a target of a bombing in March 2000 in Dagestan, and has been injured. In the Russian Federation Republic, there are still acts of terrorism until today.
The claim of responsibility for these acts of terrorism in the Russian Federation Republic usually appears on a Salafists-powered news portal, which seems to operate out of Finland.
In April 2010, a Lutheran minister of the Office was relieved, because he had described the wanted instigator (backer) behind the bomb attacks on the Moscow metro and the airport Domodedovo, Doku (Dokka) Khamatovich Umarov, as a terrorist.
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