Syria: full horror of al-Qubeir masacre emerges

The regime’s troops began the attack on Wednesday afternoon with a heavy
artillery barrage, said the activists. Then Shabiha militiamen entered the
hamlet armed with sticks, guns and knives. They attacked homes and
farmhouses, shooting and slaughtering all the inhabitants they could find.

Mr Hemary and his cousin were among only a handful of survivors of the
massacre. “I could see thick smoke rising from al-Qubeir,” he
said. “I called my brother constantly on the mobile. He was hiding in
our home. He told me cars full of Shabiha had come to the village and were
attacking everyone and burning houses.”

At 5.10pm, three hours after the attack began, Mr Hemary’s brother’s voice
died away and he stopped answering his calls. Pushing open the door of his
home several hours later, Mr Hemary found the bodies of his mother, three
sisters and three brothers lying bloodied on the ground.

“They had been beaten on the head by sticks and stabbed with knives,”
he said. “I went to other homes. I saw family after family slaughtered
by knives.”

After the militia departed and al-Qubeir fell quiet later that evening, people
from nearby villages ventured into the stricken hamlet. “I saw a
two-month-old child without a head,” said Abou Hisham al-Hamouli, who
lives in a village just over a mile from al-Qubeir. “I saw the burnt
corpse of a woman. Her two children were wrapped around, hugging her. They
died like that. There were two many burnt bodies.”

Other eyewitnesses reported how the militiamen sang songs in praise of Mr

A former soldier who joined the rebel Free Syrian Army said that he reached
the village within hours of the massacre, but left quickly because Syrian
government troops were still in the area. “I went into houses and saw
children without a head, and others without arms. Some were burned and some
were without eyes,” he said.

There were only five known survivors, he added. The exact number of victims
could not be confirmed, but people from the nearby village of Maarizab said
they had buried 57 corpses. A further thirty bodies were missing and had not
yet been buried, said activists.

With almost no foreign reporters in Syria, the accounts of what happened in
this remote farming village cannot be independently verified.

The massacre comes less than two weeks after an atrocity in the town of
al-Houla in Homs province, where eyewitnesses blamed the killing on the same
Shabiha milita.

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