Supreme Court Justices Zero In on Key Provision of Health-Care Law

TUESDAY, March 27 (HealthDay News) — The individual mandate
the portion of the Affordable Care Act that requires Americans to purchase
health insurance or pay a penalty — appeared threatened during U.S.
Supreme Court arguments made on Tuesday.

Four conservative justices appeared opposed to the provision, with
several questioning whether the individual mandate falls under the federal
government’s constitutional powers. Four liberal justices seemed to come
out in its favor.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, considered a swing vote, also seemed
critical of the mandate. He suggested that the health-care law assigns the
federal government regulatory powers over interstate commerce that exceed
those previously supported by the court, the Washington Post

“Can you create commerce in order to regulate it?” he asked.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito, both
considered conservatives, compared forcing Americans to buy health
insurance to compelling them to purchase commodities such as cellphones or
burial services, respectively.

And conservative Justice Antonin Scalia, who had previously supported
broad federal regulatory power, appeared more skeptical in Tuesday’s

Representing the Obama administration as it defends the health-care
law, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli Jr. argued that the health-care
market is unique in that people who don’t save or pay for their care still
receive it and that uninsured people account for billions of dollars in
health-care costs passed on to insured families each year.

But Scalia worried that the “unique” market notion is too fluid, and
the federal government could come up with reasons why any number of
industries might fall into that category.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, considered more liberal, said that “the
people who don’t participate in this [health insurance] market are making
it much more expensive for those that do,” according to the

On Wednesday, the court will consider whether the Affordable Care Act
as a whole can stand without the individual mandate, should that part of
the law be ruled unconstitutional.

Opponents of the controversial 2010 law contend that Congress exceeded
its authority with the individual mandate.

The law’s supporters argue that without the requirement that people
have insurance coverage while they’re healthy, there won’t be enough money
in the risk pool to pay to take care of them when the need for health care
eventually — and inevitably — arises.

The individual mandate — scheduled to take effect in January 2014 —
is the pivotal piece of the law.

The Affordable Care Act — the most ambitious government health-care
initiative since the Medicare and Medicaid programs of the 1960s, and the
legislative landmark of President Barack Obama’s presidency — is the
first federal effort to rein in health-care costs. It aims to extend
insurance coverage to more than 30 million Americans through an expansion
of Medicaid and the provision that people buy health insurance starting in
2014 or face a penalty.

“The requirement that people purchase insurance is the key to having
health insurance be there for everyone when they need it,” said John
Rother, president of the National Coalition on Health Care, which works to
achieve reform of the U.S. health-care system.

Opponents call the mandate a stunning government intrusion into the
private lives of Americans and argue that Congress has no right to tell an
individual to buy a certain product.

The Supreme Court will also hear arguments this week on whether the law
is unconstitutional for requiring states to either comply with an
expansion of Medicaid to cover more lower-income people without health
insurance, or lose federal matching funding. At issue is the concept of
“federalism,” the division of powers between the federal and state

Finally, the court will address “severability” — that is, whether the
individual mandate can be struck down while leaving the rest of the law

“There are 50 million people in this country who don’t have health
insurance. The Affordable Care Act will probably extend coverage to an
estimated 30 to 32 million of those people,” said Renee Landers, a
professor at Suffolk University Law School in Boston.

In a recent New England Journal of Medicine commentary, Landers
described arguments for and against severability.

Opponents have said that provisions of the legislation are too
intertwined for the law to stand without the individual mandate. The Obama
administration has said the law can still work without the mandate, but
provisions such as prohibiting insurance companies from denying coverage
to people with preexisting conditions would be greatly compromised without
the mandate.

On Monday, the Supreme Court’s nine justices began an unprecedented
three days of legal arguments with a 90-minute discussion of whether the
high court has the right to hear the case at this time. At issue: whether
the court can consider tax challenges before they take effect. Some,
including a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., have contended that
the provision in the health-reform law that people pay a penalty if they
don’t have insurance is, in reality, a tax.

But the justices’ questions Monday morning suggested that they did not
think the insurance penalty was tantamount to a tax. An obscure 1867 law
prohibits legal challenges to a tax until it has been collected. The
penalty for not having health insurance wouldn’t take effect until 2014,
the Post reported.

Budget office sees savings; opponents skeptical

Here’s how the health-reform law is designed to provide health
insurance to uninsured Americans:

  • Individual mandate. It requires most adults to purchase health
    insurance or pay a penalty. By 2016, the phased-in penalty will reach
    either $695 or 2.5 percent of yearly taxable income, whichever is greater.
    People with incomes below tax-filing thresholds will be exempt from the
    Up to 16 million people are projected to join the rolls of the insured
    under the mandate.
  • Medicaid expansion. This would increase eligibility to all people
    under age 65 with annual incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty
    level — about $14,850 for a single adult and $30,650 for a family of four
    in 2012. Non-disabled adults under 65 without dependent children were
    previously ineligible. Another 16 million people are estimated to gain
    insurance under the expansion.
  • State-run insurance exchanges. They will be created to help small
    businesses and individuals purchase insurance through a more organized and
    competitive market.

In February 2011, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that
savings from the Affordable Care Act would cut the federal deficit by $210
billion during the next decade.

But opponents say that the cost-cutting provisions probably won’t

Devon Herrick, a health economist at the free-market National Center
for Policy Analysis, said the law sets up a “slippery slope” that will
increase costs, not lower them.

“If Congress and company have the legal authority to decide the minimum
coverage you must have, all manner of lobbyists and special interests and
providers for specific diseases will descend on Washington and state
capitals, as they always have, to make sure that their respective services
are covered by that mandate,” Herrick said.

The law’s supporters argue that without the requirement that people
have insurance coverage while they’re healthy, there won’t be enough money
to pay for the nation’s health insurance needs.

“If people don’t feel like paying, then get sick and go to the
emergency room or the hospital, those people’s costs will be added on to
our insurance bills as they are today, which makes it much more
expensive,” Rother said.

Lower courts, different interpretations

The trail of legal challenges leading up to the Supreme Court has
involved more than two dozen lawsuits and appeals.

Last June, the Cincinnati-based 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that
the individual mandate was valid because of the Constitution’s Commerce
Clause, which allows Congress to regulate commerce that takes place among

In August, a district judge in Florida ruled that the individual
mandate was unconstitutional. However, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals,
which reviewed his decision, rejected that argument and found that the
Affordable Care Act could stand even if the individual mandate provision
were removed, Landers said.

Then in November, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia also upheld the individual mandate based on the Commerce Clause.

The U.S. Supreme Court chose to review the Florida case, which now
includes 25 other states as plaintiffs, along with the National Federation
of Independent Business.

The law has been controversial since it was passed by Congress and
signed by Obama in March 2010. Poll after poll has found that Americans
don’t like the individual mandate. But a recent Harris
poll revealed that people are starting to warm
up to certain key provisions of the law — such as the ban on insurance
companies turning away applicants with preexisting health problems.

Some popular provisions — including allowing children to stay on their
parents’ health plans until age 26 — are already in place.

Other provisions meant to help older Americans began in 2011, with
changes to continue through 2020.

Medicaid expansion a vital component of the law

States must comply with the Medicaid expansion no later than 2014. But
some worry that a big influx of new enrollees could strain medical
specialties such as obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics and family

Dr. Peter Carmel, president of the American Medical Association, called
the expansion “an important step in the right direction,” even though many
“physicians are currently unable to accept Medicaid patients due to low
reimbursement rates.”

Added Dr. Glen Stream, president of the American Academy of Family
Physicians: “For the time being, [the new law] seems like the best option
to get everyone covered with health insurance. Otherwise, people are
carved out from good primary-care services, good preventive care and
wellness services, and care of their chronic illnesses until sometimes
it’s too late.”

The Supreme Court ruling is expected in June. The court could go one of
several ways:

  • It could rule the individual mandate is unconstitutional and the
    entire law invalid.
  • It could rule the mandate is constitutional and the entire law can
  • It could reach a middle ground: that the individual mandate is
    unconstitutional but the rest of the law can stand.
  • It could decline to rule on the case and the health reforms would

Whatever the court decides, it will provide plenty of fodder for the
2012 elections. And even if the Affordable Care Act survives the legal
challenge, Landers said, “with upcoming elections — a new Congress — it
doesn’t mean that everything is set for all time.”

More information

The American Bar Association website links to briefs filed
with the U.S. Supreme Court case on the Affordable Care Act.

For legal experts’ best guess on how the Supreme Court will rule on the
Affordable Care Act, click here.

To learn more about the expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care
Act, click here.

To learn more about the importance of the individual mandate to the
Affordable Care Act, click here.

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