Jews have no morals, have no limits to their horizons of vice and human sexual degradation. As the representatives of hell on earth their task is simple; to genocide their foes, promote the corruption the innocence of youth, do all in their power to spread abortion and the destruction of the family, seek to legalise the sexual abuse of babies and children, destroy God’s beautiful creation of racial and cultural diversity with miscegenation, own everything, and destroy the world to re-make it in the image of their god Satan. Jews have no fear of hell because it is they who push the non-Jews into the fire in their own eternal kingdom.”
One of the world’s greatest Jewish pornographers, for pornography was both invented and is owned by Jews, Sumner Redstone, who sits atop his Shmolleywood pile in the transnational Zion sewer-pipe that is Hollywood, a man of no character but greed and filth and debauchery, a man whose only remaining prize is his dwindling power and his sex at 92 with younger women now faces the grim reaper.
In a decent white America this foul vampire would have been indicted on morality charges and rotted away in a prison, but in a world in which the Jew through Marxism, warmongering, organized crime and usury has gained control of almost all the levers of white Western societies he is as a king, another overlord of the Talmudic and Torhanic Jew World Order. Sumner is now rapidly failing in health, his family of parasites are all gathered around like the vermin they are to claim as much of his empire as they can get their greedy blood-sucking teeth into.
One day Hollywood will either burn or be cleansed of Jews. We pray for the day when wholesome white movies will once again be written and filmed by white men like Walt Disney, men whose stories always had a moral behind them, whose tales were aimed at the improvement of mankind by exposing the payment for sin. The white men who created film and cinema but had it slowly taken from them by the scheming Jew.
John 8:44:”Ye (the modern Babylonian Pharisaic Jews who took power after the Jews of Moses the Sadducees were defeated by the Romans) are of your father the devil (these Jews including the Khazars are the children of Lucifer and his legions who have taken birth in the world alongside the children of God), and the lusts of your father ye will do (i.e Hollywood and the Jewish pornography industry). He was a murderer from the beginning (i.e. Up to 100 million white Christian Slavs and Russians killed by Jewish Bolshevism and communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and millions of Germans even after the second world war from starvation, and all the wars they have started down the ages, backing and arming both sides both for profit and to weaken those civilizations), and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie (The holohoax), he speaketh of his own (the Jews): for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
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