Stratfor: Osama bin Laden ‘was in routine contact with Pakistan’s spy agency’

American officials have always believed it was impossible for the ISI not to
have known that Bin Laden was sheltering in a garrison town so close to
Islamabad. Pakistan has repeatedly dismissed the charge.

“Mid to senior level ISI and Pak Mil with one retired Pak Mil General
that had knowledge of the OBL arrangements and safehouse,” the email
said of the officers involved. “I get a very clear sense we (US intel)
know names and ranks.”

WikiLeaks claimed to have 5 million Stratfor emails that it would published in
collaboration with media outlets. However only 200 were released in the
first lot.

Other e-mails included the suggestion that Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s president,
may have less than a year to live after his cancer spread to the colon and
bone marrow.

Russian doctors who had been brought in to “clean up the mess”
resulting from Cuban treatments for the Venezuelan leader had given a grim
prognosis for his recovery, the e-mails said.

Other revelations were statements that Israel had last year carried out a
successful covert attack on Iran’s secret nuclear facilities.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused Stratfor of involvement in wide range
of legally or morally questionable research activities for private

“On the surface it presents as if it’s a media organisation providing a
private subscription intelligence newsletter,” the activist, who is
awaiting extradition to Sweden on rape charges said in London. “But
underneath it is running paid informants networks.”

Mr Assange also promised 5,000 emails would reveal private details of
individuals who had worked or given information to the organisation.

Stratfor rejected claims that there was anything improper in the way it
handled information gathered.

“Stratfor has worked to build good sources in many countries around the
world, as any publisher of global geopolitical analysis would do,” the
company said. “We have done so in a straightforward manner and we are
committed to meeting the highest standards of professional conduct.

“Having had our property stolen, we will not be victimized twice by
submitting to questioning about them,” the statement said.

The Texas-based subscription-based publisher providing political, economic and
military analysis to help customers reduce risk.

The emails were orginally hacked last year by the network Anonymous.

We promised you those mails and now they’ll finally be delivered. Five million
(that’s 5,000,000) emails at your pleasure,” said the Anonymous

“There’s a treasure trove of nasty details in those emails. We think
there’s something for everyone.”

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