Stop making so many laws… all the u-turns are ‘making us look bad’, Cameron tells MPs

Damien Gayle

Last updated at 11:37 AM on 8th January 2012

Reputation: PM David Cameron's net satisfaction rating fell by 22 points over the past year, a COMRES poll showed

Reputation: PM David Cameron’s net satisfaction rating fell by 22 points over the past year, a COMRES poll showed

David Cameron has told his Cabinet to draft fewer laws, as u-turns on key policies are ruining the government’s credibility over reform.

The Prime Minister has suffered a succession of PR disasters triggered by the ‘paused’ NHS reforms and reversals on forest sell-offs, elected police commissioners and benefits cuts.

In response, Sir George Young, Leader of the Commons, has told Cabinet colleagues that fewer, better drafted bills must be introduced in the next session.

However, the plea appears to have fallen on deaf ears, with ministers already battling over space in the next Queen’s Speech.

Bills on health and safety, pensions and crime are already in their draft stages. A senior Lib Dem source told the Independent on Sunday that there are too many laws being planned.

‘We have all been told there must be less and better legislation, but then everyone wants a big Bill,’ the source said. ‘There are all sorts of shenanigans going on.’

The extent of the Coalition’s mismanagement of its legislative programme is exposed by news that the Queen’s Speech has been postponed again.

It will now not take place until after council and London mayoral elections in May, almost two years since the last one.

A logjam of controversial Bills in the House of Lords is contributing to the delay, where Lib Dem rebellions and staunch Labour opposition have led to many being rewritten.

With time running out to get them into law, further concessions are expected. Accordingly, Mr Cameron’s reputation for competence has taken a nosedive over the past year.

Delays: The Queen's Speech, where the government sets out its legislative agenda, has been postponed while a logjam of laws is fought over in the Lords

Delays: The Queen’s Speech, where the government sets out its legislative agenda, has been postponed while a logjam of laws is fought over in the Lords

According to a ComRes poll for the Independent on Sunday, the PM ended the year with a net satisfaction rating of -25 points, down from -3 points at the end of 2010.

One Tory minister told the newspaper the situation was ‘hopeless’.

‘There is the danger that the public thinks we don’t really know what we are doing,’ the minister said.

Lord McNally, a Lib Dem minister, told the paper both parties had entered the coalition aiming to legislate less, but that every department has Bills it wants passed.

The Hansard Society, the constitutional pressure group, have called for the creation of a Legislative Standards Committee to assess the quality of legislation before it is debated.

Many laws are passed which are never subsequently enacted, including at least 60 which reached the statute book in the 2005-10 parliament.

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