Stop Iatrogenesis

  • Drug-drug interaction

    Iatrogenesis now

    The FDA, through its Adverse Events Reporting System, keeps a record of adverse events resulting from drug and therapeutic biologic product use. In 2000 they received 266,866 reports. By 2010 that figure nearly tripled to 758,890. And that`s a conservative figure as, according to a report titled Death by Medicine, only a fraction of medical errors ever get reported.

    Regarding the IOM`s 1999 estimate of medical error related deaths, the Department of Health and Human Services states on its website that “this statistic has not improved much in the following decade.” The lack of significant patient safety progress has prompted the Department to launch Partnership for Patients, a public-private partnership with specific goals that includes reducing preventable hospital-acquired conditions by 40% between 2010 and 2013.

    But to the surviving spouse of a patient who succumbed to a hospital-acquired infection (HAI), even reducing 80% of HAIs is not enough. Perhaps now, with a failing economy and Medicare costs projected to rise 91% in the next decade, the double punch of human and economic costs will provide the motivation needed to knockout iatrogenic deaths.


    Dr Barbara Starfield, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Vol 284, No 4 (2000): 483 – 485.
    Committee on Quality of Health Care in America, Institute of Medicine, Linda T. Kohn and Janet M. Corrigan, To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System (Washington: The National Academies Press, 2000)
    The Cancer Cure Foundation: Medical Errors – A Leading Cause of Death (…)
    AHRQ: Reducing and Preventing Adverse Drug Events To Decrease Hospital Costs (…)
    FDA: Reports Received and Reports Entered into AERS by Year (…)
    Institute of Medicine, The Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Lecture 2011: New Fontiers in Patient Safety (Washington: The National Academies Press, 2011) Partnership for Patients (…)


    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (
    The Empowered Patient Coalition (http://www.empoweredpatientcoalitio…)

    Kiva Bottero works with a collective to publish The Mindful Word journal of engaged living. You can visit him online at .

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    Stop Iatrogenesis – The number three killer in America is preventable

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