Stock up on nascent iodine to protect your thyroid from radioactive iodine in case of a nuclear emergency
When preparing for disasters, it’s important not to focus only on food items and your emergency water supply.
After all, when SHTF you will also need other supplies like toiletries for maintaining proper hygiene and supplements to support your health.
While you’re stocking up on food, don’t forget to also get non-food items that can help ensure your survival in a post-SHTF world, like nascent iodine. (h/t to
Stock up now to prepare for impending war
With the many disasters that have struck the U.S. in recent years, non-preppers are realizing that they also need to stockpile emergency supplies.
This is a crucial survival habit because even if you can make it to a supermarket after an emergency, items could disappear off the shelves quickly. In a worst-case scenario, you might have to fight your way to get the items that you need.
And while the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues to escalate, the threat of a nuclear disaster looms on the horizon. Russia has its nuclear deterrent forces on “high alert,” which means the country’s nuclear weapons are prepared for increased readiness to launch.
While they still haven’t officially declared war on America, agents from the Deep State in the U.S. may stage possible false flag operations that would give Russia or America enough justification to use military action against each other.
Use specially formulated nascent iodine for best results
Nuclear war is also a possibility when considering potential disasters.
Remember that during a nuclear emergency, stable iodine can support your thyroid by preventing it from absorbing radioactive iodine, which makes it an excellent preparedness item.
Stay prepared by stocking up on one of the most potent iodine supplements on the market today. (Related: Prepping for collapse, famine and nuclear war: 12 Tips that will help you be more resilient when SHTF.)
Specially formulated for optimal absorption, Health Ranger’s Nascent Iodine has very low surface tension. With roughly a third of the surface tension of water, it is incredibly easy for your body to absorb.
Health Ranger’s Nascent Iodine is a two percent strength stable iodine tincture made using the divinely-inspired Edgar Cayce method of adding energy or ionization to diatomic iodine to create monatomic “nascent” iodine.
This potent iodine tincture uses a solution of pure, high-quality distilled alcohol instead of a glycerin solution, which means it has an incredibly long shelf life.
It is non-GMO, non-China and extensively lab-tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology.
How to use Health Ranger’s Nascent Iodine
Every drop of Health Ranger’s Nascent Iodine delivers 350 micrograms (mcg) of elemental iodine (233 percent of the Daily Value). This means that one bottle of nascent iodine formula can keep you stocked for at least 1,500 servings.
Add one to three drops of Health Ranger’s Nascent Iodine to a small glass of water and drink immediately. This nascent iodine formula is best consumed around 15 to 20 minutes before a meal or on an empty stomach.
Absorption into your body begins immediately upon drinking it. Keep in mind that taking iodine too late in the day can result in a heightened sense of energy that makes restful sleep difficult at night.
Always check with your healthcare provider before supplementing with iodine to determine exactly how much of it you need to consume.
Find more products that you can use in survival situations at Health Ranger Store and read more helpful articles about prepping and survival at
Watch the video below to learn more about the health benefits of nascent iodine.
This video is from the Health Ranger Store channel on
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