Still drinking alcopops? It¿s time to grow up

Martin Samuel

Last updated at 11:08 PM on 16th February 2012

Lunatics' broth: Surely alcopops exist purely to intoxicate

Lunatics’ broth: Surely alcopops exist purely to intoxicate

Drunk tanks for the helplessly intoxicated, booze buses for those in need of medical assistance, and still nobody confronts the root cause of increased binge-drinking, particularly among the young.

Alcopops. There is a reason Australia hiked the tax on these little beauties by 70 per cent four years ago. They could see the trouble being caused.

Trouble in the bars, on the roads, at AE, trouble for the police.

Alcopops are a lunatics’ broth because they exist purely to intoxicate. They taste of Ribena or lemonade; booze for people who don’t like booze.

If we were serious about curbing the Saturday night vomitorium that was once the British High Street, there would be greater attempts to explain what a bottle of WKD says about you.

It says you’re a lightweight. It says you are unable to admit you like a soft drink, and order one, and wish to stay part of the plastered herd.

And because alcopops taste like cola, they go down like cola — until the sweetness turns sour with a night in the drunk tank or a spin on the booze bus.

Example: Australia raised the tax on alcopops by 70 per cent four years ago because they could see the trouble they were causing

Example: Australia raised the tax on alcopops by 70 per cent four years ago because they could see the trouble they were causing

Is it any wonder people behave like children when their drinks are made to appeal to kids?

These are the flavours of a ten-year-old’s birthday party: blackcurrant, orange, lemon, cola.

We move straight from the pick ‘n’ mix to a drop of the hard stuff and wonder why our town centres are awash with baby sick. 

The problem with secularism is not intolerance, as Tory peer Baroness Warsi claims; it’s snobbery.

Intellectual snobbery, actually. Secularists see religious people as none too bright. Sorry.

Honestly, no offence intended, but to a non-believer, the leap of logic required to faithfully invest in the concept of a supernatural being — one that is turned to in times of minor personal crisis but takes a laissez-faire approach to war and genocide — is so great as to appear little short of ridiculous.

Religious discourse: Tory peer Baroness Warsi is wrong to think the problem with secularism is intolerance... it's snobbery

Religious discourse: Tory peer Baroness Warsi is wrong to think the problem with secularism is intolerance… it’s snobbery

So a person with faith appears ridiculous, too.

I know this is wrong. I know this is judgmental. I admire a lot of the principles of religious faith.

I am certainly not intolerant of those who wish to behave charitably towards their fellow man.

But the logic. I cannot get beyond the logic.

‘How can you believe that?’ I wonder. ‘You seemed so sensible.’

A black box could be fitted in the cars of young drivers to keep insurance premiums down, it has been suggested.

Fall for that one, and you really do deserve to have your licence taken away. We can see how this ends: any claim, any renewal, will be checked against the recorded information so that any evidence of 32mph in a built-up area could be used to invalidate the policy and hike premiums — or avoid a pay-out.

Remember those water meters that were going to save you money but instead sent your bills through the roof? It’s like that.

It was a tragic scene, the undrained bath tub that was Whitney Houston’s resting place.

Pictures show a submerged towel, floating hair bands and an ornate silver jug she used to dispense expensive oils to cleanse her skin; or, as it was tactfully described in many newspapers, a gravy boat.

Perhaps that is how we should remember her, slipping quietly away with a meat and potato pie on the go.

Better than the reality, anyway.

John Prescott opposed the policy of elected police commissioners all the way.  Having lost the argument in Parliament, he now intends standing for the well-rewarded post in Humberside. Some think this makes Prescott an odious hypocrite, but he obviously has  his reasons; 70,000 of them per annum, one might say.

A waste of police time

Tuesday morning, the telephone rang. The caller identified himself as a member of Operation Weeting, the phone-hacking investigation team. I thought it was a joke. I thought a pal was winding me up.

‘There’s nothing to worry about, Mr Samuel,’ said the policeman.

‘I know there’s nothing to worry about,’ I replied.

And there isn’t. I can barely get my own messages, let alone Sienna Miller’s. I’d never heard of private detective Glenn Mulcaire until I read his name in a newspaper.

Splendid isolation is my working practice. I don’t even go to the office Christmas party if I can help it. It transpired that I was being cold-called from an old newspaper staff list, to see if I had anything to add to the inquiry.

I did not.

The policeman clarified where I worked now and asked when I left my previous employer. I told him 2007. Or was it 2006? No, 2007.

He was very personable and went away satisfied with my best estimate (which was right, by the way).

What was the point?

I have no idea.

Still it’s your money, so enjoy whatever it is they’re doing with it.

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