Stephen Lawrence: Why life does not necessarily mean life for Gary Dobson and David Norris

Donal Blaney

Last updated at 8:49 PM on 5th January 2012

Justice: Mr Justice Treacy, who today sentenced Gary Dobson and David Norris

Justice: Mr Justice Treacy, who today sentenced Gary Dobson and David Norris

Mr Justice Treacy has today sentenced Gary Dobson and David Norris for their parts in the evil, racially-motivated murder of Stephen Lawrence.

Dobson, who was 17 years and 10 months old at the time of the murder, was given a minimum term of imprisonment of 15 years and 2 months. Norris, who was 16 years and 8 months old, was sentenced to 14 years and 3 months in jail.

Both will remain subject to licence for the rest of their lives if (which is by no means certain) they are to be released from prison.

In his sentencing remarks, the Judge explained (as had been discussed widely overnight in the print and broadcast media) that his hands were tied. Not only was the Judge required to apply sentencing law as it stood prior to the coming into force of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, but both Dobson and Norris were to be sentenced with reference to their ages at the time that they murdered Stephen Lawrence.

The starting point for sentencing a murderer aged under 18 at the time of committing the murder now is a minimum sentence of 30 years. Prior to 2003 the minimum tariff was 12 years (and 15 years for adults). As the Judge said: ‘It may be, therefore, that the resultant sentences are lower than some might expect, but the law as laid down by Parliament must be applied and I am constrained by it’.

There will be many who feel that the sentences meted out to Dobson and Norris are far too low. Some may feel that one or both men should pay the ultimate price on the scaffold. Others may not understand why the law requires the application of past guidelines to an offence committed nearly 20 years ago when the murderers in question are now middle-aged men who have shown no contrition whatsoever for their evil acts.

Sadly, as is so often the case, this is because of a combination of liberal judges, weak legislators, powerful lobby groups and the cursed European Convention. The days of a Home Secretary intervening, as Michael Howard did in the Bulger case, to call for weak sentences to be increased are no more.

Gary Dobson

David Norris

Lenient: Gary Dobson (left) was sentenced to 15 years and 2 months. David Norris (right) was handed 14 years and 3 months

If we want judges to hand out real sentences that truly punish murderers then the only option is for us to elect parliamentary candidates who stand on a platform of law and order (and honesty in sentencing, so that 10 years means 10 years and life means life) and for us to stand up to the undemocratic liberal tyranny of the ECHR.

Directly elected police chiefs will help but it is up to the law-abiding public, repulsed by the Dobsons and Norrises of the world, to rise up and demand justice in sentencing for all the victims of crimes as senseless, evil and horrendous as the brutal murder of Stephen Lawrence.

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This is typical of ANY Government that we have today.– They are SOFT and there is NO way that they can deny this.— The word LIFE in the case of prison is a FARCE,—- In other Countries it MEANS what it says LIFE and that is for their NATURAL life NOT a couple of Months and let off under the pretence of GOOD behaviour.– IF they behaved with GOOD behaviour BEFORE the Crime then they would NOT be in Prison (Sorry Holiday Camps) now.– The laws of this country are a JOKE and that is all down to this Government .– The judges can ONLY go as far as they are TOLD by wimpy Governments AND of course the HOME OFFICE and with whom is in Charge SAY NO MORE about who that is

The problem I have with using this case as an example of soft sentencing is that in comparison to other murders the sentences are not soft. just recently there have been several cases where adults have received only 12 years! These people were only children when the murder was committed and only one of the group did the killing! The case is way way to political! The minimum should be set at 30 years for all murders and then there may be a deterrent! It makes no difference whether someone is attacked and killed because of their hair colour, skin colour or the clothes they wear, the result is the same and the penalty should be the same!

the judge was already discussing with the terms of sentence BEFORE the jury gave there decision……………The judge through the prosecution wanted to make the lawrence family aware that the sentences will not be as harsh as the family would wish for………..what the hell was the judge doing discussion terms of conviction before the jury had made a decision………political game of chess…………political and met police scape goats…………..appeal for sure……

The daily mail should only quote the actual time that will be served from now sow a 10 year sentence should be quoted as 5 years as this is the amount of time that will be served. If the DM started doing this all the papers will eventually follow suit. Eventually the government will have to come down hard on the criminal class and stop the limpdem policy of the past – Let’s hope this is soon

Politicians are liars through and through so we are stuffed.

“Sadly, as is so often the case, this is because of a combination of liberal judges, weak legislators, powerful lobby groups and the cursed European Convention.”
Nonsense: Ideological claptrap. It is because the judges must follow the law as it stands. The European Convention has had no bearing on this case and the judge has made it clear he will apply the law as it stands to the full effect.

I have no doubt, that the ”lack of credible deterrent” in this country results in many innocent people dying needlessly. For unpalatable though we may find it, there are sections of our society where the killing of sometimes any individual, by like-minded gang members is regarded as a matter that warrants respect and standing amongst their peers. Yet..! we by our ”weakness” and reluctance to confront the design of political-correctness, for perish the thought, we may stray over the boundaries of Race or indeed Religion in our pursuit of this contamination on society, by that aforesaid weakness: ”Encourage its Continuance”. Indeed, it is now evident that the ”Law” is inclined to the ”beck and call” of Politicians, and to be used according to the political fashion that prevails, and by such sway is neither disposed to the needs of Society nor the needs of Justice; be that what may concentrate the mind to deter: Therein ”life for life”..! (so be it)

I wish reporters would just stick to reporting and spare us their anti EU politicking at every opportunity…
What makes this reporter think that it makes sense for politicians to be able to interfere with the law? Sure let’s have some honesty in sentencing, but we’ll keep the politicians well away from it if we know what’s good for us – in that direction lies the tools of dictatorships and also the possibility of showing leniency to their pals…

The thing is that “parliamentary candidates who stand on a platform of law and order” will still be constrained by “the undemocratic liberal tyranny of the ECHR”. It is futile and disingenuous to pretend otherwise.The rule of law depends upon judiciary who are independent of the legislature and the executive and only beholden to the law of the land. There is a limit to “democracy” and its scope – electing judges and what sentences they impose is beyond this scope. Do you want your case decided by the person who can raise the most funds to support his/her candidature to the Bench? Part of “the law” is what is contained in treaties and obligations to the UK’s international partners – the judiciary cannot pick and choose which clauses it adopts.

Honest sentencing would be a start. The DM should never print headlines that give cumulative sentences for groups as the Government so frequently does. Such as, “gang sentenced to total of 90 years.” It sounds impressive until you find out there were thirty gang members. And the word ‘life’ should NOT be used unless the person will die in prison!

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