Stephen Lawrence: The murder that changed Britain

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 11:12 PM on 6th January 2012

History will record that in the first week of 2012, after 18 torturous years, the parents of Stephen Lawrence finally received a measure of justice for the murder of their son.

The conviction of two racist thugs for the black teenager’s killing is a tribute to their tireless, courageous and dignified campaigning, which the Mail has passionately supported.

This was also a week in which Scotland Yard finally began to emerge from the long shadow of the unforgivably botched original Lawrence investigation, which prompted the devastating finding that the police were ‘institutionally racist’.

Doreen Lawrence, mother of murdered teenager Stephen Lawrence, furrows her brow as she speaks to members of the media today

Stephen Lawrence's father Neville Lawrence smiles as he leaves the Old Bailey in London after the sentencing

Momentous: This week will be remembered for a measure of justice finally being served to the parents of Stephen Lawrence

Undeniably, today’s force is unrecognisable from that which so shamefully failed the Lawrences in 1993. 

There have been huge increases in the number of black and ethnic minority officers, while the law has been changed to force police to treat racially-aggravated crime with the utmost seriousness.

Britain, too, has undergone a hugely significant transformation. No longer is racist language common in sports grounds. The odious BNP is in serious decline. Racist attacks are blessedly rare.

Poignantly, when Stephen’s mother, Doreen, visited the site of her son’s killing in the once notorious south London district of Eltham yesterday, she was warmly embraced by white passers-by.

Of course, nobody should be naive enough to think there is no longer any racism in Britain, whether it be against black, Asian or white people.

Row: If Diane Abbott wishes to expose herself as ignorant, then she has the right to do so

Offensive: Diane Abbott made the divisive accusation that ‘white people love playing ‘divide and rule’

But, worryingly, there are politicians, ‘community leaders’ and other public figures who refuse to recognise the huge strides which have been made over the past two decades. The sporting authorities have tied themselves in knots searching for alleged incidents of racism.

Meanwhile, Labour MP Diane Abbott chose this of all weeks to make the divisive accusation that ‘White people love playing ‘divide and rule’. Such comments are offensive, inaccurate and help no-one.

Shouldn’t Miss Abbott and others fighting ancient battles consider the words of Trevor Phillips, the head of the UK’s equality watchdog?

He says that, in the wake of the changes provoked by Stephen’s tragic death, Britain has become ‘by far – and I mean by far – the best place in Europe to live if you are not white’.

That is a fact of which this country should be immensely proud.

Fatally flawed justice

Last week, this paper revealed the shocking news that 50 people every day are being violently or sexually attacked by convicts given risible community punishments instead of a jail sentence.

Now it emerges that, in the past five years, more than 360 murders and other killings – the equivalent of one in every ten homicides – were committed by criminals already on bail.

What all these rapes, murders and other heinous offences have in common is that, had British justice not been so hopelessly soft, they would never have taken place.

How many more lives will be needlessly destroyed before ministers get a grip?

Neglect on the wards

Having been appalled by cases of the elderly being left to starve on NHS wards, David Cameron yesterday demanded huge improvements in the standard of care provided by nurses, who will be instructed to speak to their patients at least once an hour.

We welcome his insistence that nursing ‘needs to be about patients not paperwork.’ But it’s deeply depressing that it requires a direct order from the Prime Minister for patients to be treated with the basic humanity which should be guaranteed in any civilised society.

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