Stephen Lawrence suspect’s racist rant was no worse than Jeremy Clarkson, claims QC

Nick Mcdermott

Last updated at 10:52 AM on 22nd December 2011

Racist remarks made by one of the men accused of murdering Stephen Lawrence were no worse than Jeremy Clarkson’s recent calls for public-sector strikers to be executed, it was claimed at the Old Bailey yesterday.

Footage of Gary Dobson using racist terms to describe black and Asian people, as well as a clip of him recalling a time when he threatened a black colleague with a knife, were shown to the jury earlier in the trial.

The secret recordings were made by police 20 months after Stephen’s murder, using a covert camera installed inside Dobson’s rented flat in Eltham. In them, Dobson was seen wandering around the flat with a large knife, and complaining that a ‘Paki’ had won the lottery jackpot.

Clarkson: Was widely criticised for his 'hang strikers' remark, which was mentioned in the Stephen Lawrence trial

Gary Dobson who is facing trial over the murder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence 18 years ago, was secretly recorded

Jeremy Clarkson (left) courted controversy when he made his ‘hang strikers’ comment which was referenced in the trial of Gary Dobson (right)

But Timothy Roberts QC, defending, said the film did not show that Dobson had ‘ever hurt anyone’ and added that his actions in the tapings were not a criminal offence.

‘Recently a prominent BBC television presenter announced on prime-time television that in his opinion striking public-sector workers should be taken out and shot in front of their families,’ said Mr Roberts.

‘Those remarks from that opinionated individual attracted the sort of opprobrium you would expect and were widely condemned. But as far as we are aware no one has called for him to be prosecuted for inciting murder.’

Stephen Lawrence, 18, who was stabbed to death in an unprovoked racist attack by a gang of white youths in April 1993 in Eltham, south east London

Stephen Lawrence, 18, who was stabbed to death in an unprovoked racist attack by a gang of white youths in April 1993 in Eltham, south east London

Moving on to the secret footage of Dobson’s racist comments, he said: ‘These were strong, opinionated remarks made in your own front room among people who are similarly opinionated.

‘The film does not reveal Gary Dobson has ever hurt anyone and you know that he has no convictions for any offence of violence. Shouting at the television, making idle remarks about news items and bragging are not criminal offences.’

Dobson, 36, and David Norris, 35, are alleged to have fatally stabbed 18-year-old Stephen in Eltham, South-East London, in April 1993.

The prosecution case is based on new forensic evidence discovered in a 2007 cold-case review. A mixture of Stephen’s blood, hair and fibres from the garments he was wearing on the night he was murdered were found on clothing belonging to Dobson and Norris.

But the defence claim their clothes have been subjected to cross-contamination thanks to ‘primitive’ methods used by police to handle and store items.

Scientists found 16 fibres on a grey Supertramp jacket seized from Dobson’s wardrobe matching three separate items of clothing worn by Stephen on the night he was stabbed.

They also discovered a small bloodspot soaked into the coat’s collar, which DNA tests show is a one in a billion match with Stephen.

Addressing the jury, Mr Roberts said Dobson did not wear the ‘unique and highly distinctive’ bomber jacket, which was emblazoned with the words ‘splendid stuff’, after he was ridiculed at school. ‘No witness claims to have seen the jacket at the scene,’ Mr Roberts said.

Dobson claims he was at home during the time of the murder. He and Norris, both of south London, deny murder. The case continues.

Video: Jeremy Clarkson’s ‘rant’

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