Stephen Lawrence case: Appeal to increase killers’ sentences fails

Stephen Wright and Ted Thornhill

Last updated at 4:23 PM on 1st February 2012

The sentences handed out to the two race-hate thugs for the rmurder of black teenager Stephen Lawrence will not be referred by the Attorney General to the Court of Appeal for a decision on whether they are ‘unduly lenient’.

The decision not to refer the jail terms imposed on Gary Dobson and David Norris was made by Dominic Grieve, the country’s top law officer.

The announcement follows news earlier this week that both men are seeking to challenge their convictions.

They were sentenced to life at the Old Bailey last month.

Gary Dobson (left) and David Norris are to appeal their convictions for the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the Court of Appeal revealed this week

Gary Dobson (left) and David Norris are to appeal their convictions for the murder of Stephen Lawrence, the Court of Appeal revealed this week

Dobson, 36, has to serve at least 15 years and two months before he becomes eligible to apply for parole.

Norris, 35, was given a minimum of 14
years and three months for the murder, which the trial judge, Mr Justice
Treacy, said was a ‘terrible and evil crime’.

He urged police not to ‘close the
file’ on catching the rest of the killers after the court heard that a
gang of five or six white youths set upon the A-level student Stephen in
Eltham, south east London, in 1993.

The news will prolong the agony of Stephen¿s campaigning mother Doreen, centre, her ex-husband Neville, right, and her son Stuart, left

The news will prolong the agony of Stephen¿s campaigning mother Doreen, centre, her ex-husband Neville, right, and her son Stuart, left

Mr Justice Treacy said the murder was committed ‘for no other reason than racial hatred’.

Referring to the length of sentence,
he said: ‘In short, the law dictates that I must sentence you by
reference to your age and maturity at the time of the crime. I cannot
sentence you as the mature men you now are.

‘In addition, I must sentence you in
accordance with the practice in force before the coming into force of
Schedule 21 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 which now governs
sentencing for more modern murders…

‘It may be, therefore, that the
resultant sentences are lower than some might expect, but the law as
laid down by Parliament must be applied and I am constrained by it.’

The fact that Dobson and Norris are
appealing their convictions will prolong the agony of Stephen’s
campaigning parents Doreen and Neville, is expected to take the killers’
legal aid bill through the £1million barrier.

The verdicts were a victory for the
Daily Mail, which for 15 years has campaigned for justice for the
Lawrences. In February 1997, we famously published pictures of the five
prime suspects – including Dobson and Norris – under the headline
‘Murderers’ and challenged them to sue us if we were wrong. No legal
action was ever taken.

Sources said Norris will appeal on the basis that the use of a surveillance video in evidence was unfair.

In the video, shot 20 months  after
Stephen’s 1993 murder,  Norris was secretly filmed telling friends he
wanted to torture and kill black people.

In an appalling racist rant recorded
by a covert police surveillance camera, David Norris boasted he would
‘skin a black ****’ and ‘blow their two arms and legs off’.

Then, he said, he would tell them: ‘Go on, you can swim home now.’

Norris’s legal team are expected to
argue that the video was highly prejudicial, did not prove he was
involved in Stephen’s murder, and should not have been admitted as

The video also showed Dobson using
violent, racist language. Over a period of 17 days in December 1994,
detectives heard him frequently use racist terms to describe black and
Asian people, jurors heard. Dobson was seen in one clip recalling a time
he threatened a black colleague with a knife.

It is believed the judge’s decision to
allow the surveillance video to be used as prosecution evidence is one
of the grounds for Dobson’s appeal, which sources confirmed has already
been lodged at the Court of Appeal.

Privately, detectives admit that the
decision to allow the video to be used – in the face of impassioned
pleas by defence lawyers – was a key moment in the trial.

Dobson and Norris were the first
people convicted over the fatal knife attack on A-level student Stephen,
18, by a group of white youths near a bus stop in Eltham, south-east
London, in April 1993.

The truth finally caught up with
drugs-trafficker Dobson and South London gangster’s son Norris after a
trial which was made possible by a series of extraordinary advances in
forensic science and changes in the law.

The breakthrough came when a cold-case
team of forensic scientists were called in. They found tiny traces of
blood, hair and fibres on clothing seized from the pair’s homes.

The defence claimed this was the
result of contamination, but that was rejected by the jury. Following
the duo’s convictions, the trial judge urged Scotland Yard to hunt down
the rest of his killers, saying ‘three or four’ of them remained at

Minutes after handing out life
sentences to Dobson and Norris, Mr Justice Treacy called on detectives
to pursue the rest of their murderous gang.

In a strongly worded statement, the judge made it clear he believes officers should not ‘close the file’ on the case.

Afterwards, Stephen’s father Neville said he hoped Dobson and Norris would ‘give up the rest of the people’ involved.

The new phase of the marathon Lawrence
investigation is expected to focus on three of the original five prime
suspects, brothers Neil and Jamie Acourt and Luke Knight.

The botched original police
investigation into Stephen’s death was dogged by controversy, and
resulted in the Lawrence case costing up to £50million.

The subsequent outcry, led by the
Mail, resulted in radical changes in modern policing after a public
inquiry found the Met Police was ‘institutionally racist’.

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we have courts with judges who decide whether the sentence fits the crime- but on man does not even let the judges get to consider the case. How will they earn their contribution free pensions if someone else is doing their job.

Mr Justice Treacy said the murder was committed ‘for no other reason than racial hatred’……………… othere murders are committed through love and affection…..horrendous as the murder was it should not be treated any different form any other murder just bscause of the colour of the victims skin/sexuality or gender………… all .other murder victims families go through the same grief and all murderers sholud face an automatic life to mean life snetence

Dobson is SO ugly.

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