Stephen Gosling who inflicted 19 fractures on baby is jailed for 13 years

Charles Walford

Last updated at 5:00 PM on 2nd January 2012

Stephen Gosling has been jailed for 13 years for inflicting a series of sickening injuries on a baby

Stephen Gosling has been jailed for 13 years for inflicting a series of sickening injuries on a baby

A man who inflicted a series of agonising injuries on a baby in a ‘ghastly and terrifying’ campaign of abuse has been jailed for 13 years.

Stephen Gosling inflicted the horrific injuries over a two-week period by yanking at the youngster’s legs and squeezing them so hard he broke their ribs.

When the mother took her child to hospital, the full extent of the abuse came to light.

The baby had fractures all over its body, including 12 to the front and back of several ribs, the right shoulder bone, left leg, right leg and left foot.

In all the child suffered 19 fractures.

Experts said the appalling injuries would have required substantial force to inflict and were of different ages, meaning they were not all inflicted at the same time.

Gosling had pleaded not guilty to a charge of inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent but was convicted by a jury.

Speaking after a trial at Newcastle Crown Court the child’s mother branded him ‘an animal’.

She said: ‘My baby was only weeks old when he did this and it is disgraceful.

‘The baby suffered fractures all over the body. We are pleased he has been sent to jail for a long time.’

At Newcastle Crown Court, Judge Roger Thorn told Gosling: ‘This was terrible, ghastly and terrifying abuse.

‘The baby sustained multiple fractures on its body and limbs and even now you have not shown any remorse.

‘You simply cannot control your temper, and it is clear in the expert evidence that these fractures required a substantial use of force.’

After the trial at Newcastle Crown Court the child's mother branded Gosling 'an animal'

After the trial at Newcastle Crown Court the child’s mother branded Gosling ‘an animal’

Gosling, 43, of Wallsend, North Tyneside, denied attacking the baby, but was convicted unanimously after a trial last month.

He has previous convictions for offences including wounding with intent and robbery.

Paul Cross, defending, said: ‘I do have to accept the victim was particularly vulnerable and there were repeated assaults on the same victim.

‘This defendant lost his self- control on more than one occasion, but the child is happily going to make a complete recovery from its injuries.’

After the case, Detective Constable Carol Dowson, of Northumbria Police’s protecting vulnerable persons unit, said: ‘These were serious injuries caused to a baby and we welcome the sentence passed by the judge.

‘We would like to thank the baby’s family for their help in this detailed and upsetting investigation and in helping to put Gosling before the courts.

‘Northumbria Police will not tolerate this sort of offence and will always pursue vigorously any person suspected of child abuse.’

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I just want to cry, poor, poor little baby. Hope this tiny child makes a fantastic recovery.

I just want to cry, poor, poor little baby. Hope this tiny child makes a fantastic recovery.

That MONSTER should be swinging from the end of a rope. Failing that, full life imprisonment – 13 years? You could triple that sentence and it still wouldn’t be enough for him.

The more I read about the sentences the judges hand out, the more I think they come from a different planet That beast shoud have got LIFE ! As for the child about whom it is said that he”is happily going to make a complete recovery from its injury”, well physically perhaps but how about emotionnally ? I hope I am wrong but I fear that poor soul will be scarred for life

He is a monster, an aberration, and is of no use to society other than as an example to his sick brethren.

his cell door should be locked and the key throwen away and he should be left to rot. …….. my true feelings could not be printed what i would like to do to his feble excuse for a man

This story begs the question “How did he have access to the baby?”

What crime did he do, steal a packet of Smarties? This punishment is an insult to civilized behaviour and should reflect the disgust of all moral minded people.

Paul Cross, defending, said: ‘I do have to accept the victim was particularly vulnerable and there were repeated assaults on the same victim. Particularly vunerable, he was a totally defencless baby. How anyone can defend a sick animal like this piece of dirt is beyond me, I would rather starve than make my living defending people like this who have no place on this earth.

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