Not a Municipal CITIZEN
By Anna Von Reitz
A Municipal citizen of the United States, is a slave.
Americans are State Nationals of a different “United States” entirely.
Since 1866, Municipal “citizens of the United States” have been defined as criminals , and therefore, slaves as well. They have been condemned as such by the Territorial United States Government, under the so-called “14th Amendment”— which is not an Amendment.
Yesterday, we published a series of important seminal records that establish the fraudulent and unconstitutional nature of this “amendment”—-and a brief discussion of the nature and genesis of the “judicial discretion” it promotes as well as the continuing serial trespasses that the British-led Territorial United States Government has been guilty of in this country for the past 150 years.
How can this be, that something that is known to be fraudulent has endured and been presented as “Public Law” in this country —a codicil added to the Supreme Law of the Land no less?
As with any self-interested act of fraud, any sting, any con job— the beginning and end of it is in lies and illusions.
We can be sure that there have been no actual Amendments to any of the Federal Constitutions since 1860.
Our actual American Government, which is the Principal holding up our end of the constitutional agreements, has not been in Session.
Our State Assemblies have not ratified any of these Post-Civil War Amendments. They are all Ultra Vires.
These so-called “Amendments” are not Amendments; they represent illegal unilateral contracting processes engaged in by our employees in our supposed absence.
They have been writing their own contracts, defining their own duties, signing their own paychecks, declaring mercenary “wars” on each other for their mutual benefit, presenting their private organizational “laws” as if they were Public Laws, and other acts and omissions aimed at pillaging and defrauding the actual people of this country.
In the case of the 14th Amendment, there is an additional element of fraud involved that renders it even more ludicrous.
On January 22, 1867, the Territorial U.S. Congress created a new corporation for itself while acting “in our names”. Three days later, January 25, 1867, they forcibly “enfranchised” all the Territorial U.S. Citizens.
This exactly mirrors the process that took place shortly before in England, where the interests of the British People were similarly betrayed, and they and their assets were unlawfully converted into chattel backing the Queen’s cost of the takeover of India.
The following year, in July of 1868, the Vermin inhabiting the Territorial Congress published the look-alike, sound-alike Articles of Incorporation for this new Scottish commercial corporation as “The Constitution of the United States of America” and from then on all the “Amendments” to this document were merely corporate by-laws.
As such, no ratification by the States was required and technically, these actions had no effect on the General Public — only Territorial U.S. Citizens.
Our General Public was never told a word about all these constructive fraud schemes, and so was unable to respond. Until now.
The Scottish Interloper doing business as “The United States of America”—- Incorporated—- functioned from 1868 to 1907, when it was bankrupted.
We are treated to the spectacle of innocent people being prosecuted under the Fourteenth Amendment of a long-defunct Scottish Corporation Charter, and the only judicial discretion involved appears to be whether or not the individual Territorial Judge thinks he can get away with his privateering unpunished and undetected.
This has all been self-interested British “Bullroar” —- and we have all been subjected to abuse by the American equivalent of the Raj.
If you want these abusive trespasses to end you have lawful and peaceful means to enforce the actual Constitution.
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—- And let your numbers roar!
Remember that you choose and you reflect who you are every day that you live; Ezekiel 33. Choose to be an American.
If you are sick of the lies, the false arrests, the illegal property confiscations, the masks, the vaccinations, the shutdowns, and all the rest of it—-remember that if you don’t object, they are left free to do more of the same or worse.
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