written by Michelle Whitedove
Dec 2, 2020 and posted on Patreon Dec 4th
I want to share this again – Change is in the air. There’s Grand Cosmic Event shifting into place right now! Yes, as I’ve been saying for years we are coming into a time of great change for the Earth and the people. Old corrupt systems are dying faster than ever and this truth is reflected in the stars and planets during the month of December with the Solar System’s giants. The two biggest planets in the Solar System by far Jupiter and Saturn will pass just .06 degrees from each other and be visible shining almost as one after sunset in the west in the Northern Hemisphere on this Winter Solstice December 21, 2020. This Jupiter Saturn in conjunction is a Great Conjunction that happens every 20 years but this time is special because the planets are closest since the year 1623! This celestial event proves that change is here and we are creating a new paradigm!
Saturn will be in Aquarius from Dec 2020 through March 2023; this is dawning of The Age of Aquarius – it’s a 200 year cycle in an AIR sign. This 200 year cycle represents destruction and change so that rebirth can manifest during this period. Destruction comes first, something big is coming. Then humanity will be forced to see new ways of doing things, there is deep transformation of our physical reality happening. This will be easier if you go with the flow and don’t rigidly hold on to old systems that no longer serve humanity. Get ready; the shift is in motion and it will not be business as usual!
On Dec 21st of this year – what does Spirit say will happen on the non-physical as well as on a physical level OR is this event happening at a soul level for certain individuals?
- Background: On December 21, 2020 there is a planetary alignment and a great conjunction the meeting of the two biggest planets in our solar system, mighty Jupiter and ringed planet Saturn. The two planets will be so bright it is believed to be the same conjunction as the Star of Bethlehem .
This is a Cosmic Awakening and very special alignment which will lift the veil between this world and the Heavens. Souls can individually or collectively walk over, basically, to another realm a portal will be open. Other people will become more intuitive or awakened. Spiritually speaking, many souls will evolve and welcome the enlightenment process. And yet, many other souls will regress and be filled with fear and darkness. From now till mid-January this is an opportune time to pray and meditate for maximum results during this energy shift. Pray for the goodness that you want in this world. Be grateful, count your blessings. Help your fellow man.
This is a New Cycle that we all feel; it is affecting the entire planet and the people physically, mentally and spiritually. It’s shifting now and mother Earth has been reacting too, the planetary pull of the alignment has been already been in motion causing havoc with weather patterns, volcanos are erupting and Natural Disasters are on the rise. This is a natural cycle, Mother Earth is cleansing herself, shaking off the negativity for a re-birth or rejuvenation.
The alignment is going to be quite spectacular on December 21, during the winter solstice, Jupiter and Saturn will line up to create what is known as the “Christmas Star” or “Star of Bethlehem.” I’m excited to bathe in that bright light and I hope you are too!
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