Stanley Murray, 78, jailed after going to river he was banned from for salmon poaching


Last updated at 10:16 PM on 15th February 2012

Outcast: Stanley Murray was jailed for 18 days after going near the river, despite it being in 1968 that he stole the landowner's fish

Outcast: Stanley Murray spent 18 days in jail after going near the river, despite it being in 1968 that he was banned from the area for salmon poaching

Like any loving grandfather, Stanley Murray was keen to introduce his grandchildren to the pursuits of his youth.

But a simple plan to take them on a river trip ended with the 78-year-old being thrown in prison.

Mr Murray, a notorious salmon poacher in his younger days, was jailed for three months for breaching a ban on venturing near the river – 43 years after it was imposed.

He served eight days but managed to get the sentence overturned this week – and was warned to behave himself.

And he was told by appeal judges that he would be treated ‘without sympathy’ and could even be jailed for two years if he breaches the 1968 court order again.

Mr Murray said before the ruling: ‘My poaching days are long past and I’m determined to get this ban lifted. I just want to be able to enjoy the river with my grandkids and I won’t back down till I get justice.’

Mr Murray was jailed last year for defying the order after he approached the home of the man who originally took him to court.

After finding the decades-old ban was still in place, Mr Murray decided to challenge it. But because he could not afford legal costs to fight his case, he decided on a new approach.

In September, he turned up at Grandhome House on the River Don in Aberdeen.

Waving a placard, he intended to plead his cause before David Paton, son of John Paton, the landowner whose fish he had stolen in 1968. Instead, the authorities were called and Mr Murray appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court, where, after refusing to give up his campaign, he was jailed.

Fishing trip: Mr Murray, 78, has now had his three-month prison sentence overturned. He had gone down to Aberdeen's River Don, pictured, in protest at the ban

Fishing trip: Mr Murray, 78, has now had his three-month prison sentence overturned. He had gone down to Aberdeen’s River Don, pictured, in protest at the ban

He was freed in October after
promising to obey court orders but could have been sent  back to jail on
Tuesday if he had lost his appeal at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

Lord Clarke said: ‘Whatever grievance
he may have, which may go back a long time, that can never form the
basis for refusing to obtemper [obey] a valid order of the court.’

The judges quashed the three-month
sentence and, having taken the eight days he had already served into
account, freed him. But Mr Paton, 76, stood by the court ban, saying the
former poacher was a ‘serious annoyance’.

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Glad to see they are clamping down on these hardened criminals, but try and get rid of a terrorist

“…I won’t back down till I get justice” This WAS justice. This was YOU getting what you deserved for stealing fish from a stretch of water that you KNEW was off limits. The landowner has every right to the fish in the water on a stretch of HIS land, he PAID for the right. YOU seem to feel you have a God given right to take someone else’s property. You should have served the full time.

If you can’t do the time don’t do the crime.

“But Mr Paton – the son of John, whose fish Mr Murray stole – was unsympathetic to his cause”
who holds a grudge for 43 YEARS???
“But Mr Paton stood by the court ban, describing the situation with Mr Murray as a ‘serious annoyance’”
and if he hasnt been there in 43 years, how can he have been a ‘serious annoyance’

It doesn’t matter….

This is absolutely ridiculous. The justice system in this country is an utter joke. No wonder you have people in today’s society who think the world/country owes them and go around doing whatever the heck they like, ie murdering, raping, thieving and scamming. You hear daily about people who have been let off for doing horrendous crimes or getting sentences which are only worth laughing at yet you do this to an old man for doing no wrong. Mr Cameron and his pathetic right honourable men/women need to man up, grow a back bone and sort this justice system out. Absolute Joke.They need to take a leaf out many other countries where they actually do punish people rather than giving them an ankle bracelet or a slap wrists.

A court order is a court order, of which he should obey, regardless of the time that has passed since it was first ordered. Would it be okay for a paedophile, a stalker, a rapist etc, who victims are still alive to go visit them without permission. I think not.

Yes lots of free spaces in prison now Clarke is releasing all these muggers rapists and the like so lets fill the spare places with OAPs.

there is no room for burglars, rapists, muggers, terrorists, paedophiles and illegal immigrants etc etc but there is plenty of room for old age pensioners

I poached some salmon for my tea last night – is it illegal now? Should I be steaming?

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