‘Spirit Rescue International’ Update

‘Spirit Rescue International’ Update

May 2012

Members and friends…

Well things have been very busy for Spirit Rescue International and the team has been working flat out trying to clear the back log. New cases come into the mailbox every day, we also have a few ongoing cases which will take time to resolve. Sometimes we find that that when we give our clients advice, they are not complying. As a team, we will not work alongside any other mediums, with who the client has been in contact with in the past or present. As the SRI team we work alone. This enables us to do things our way and saves any conflicts now or in the future, as obviously the situation is stressful enough as it is. We find people contact us from the website, we send them the questionnaire form, to fill in and then we can get a good idea of what they are going through. There are a lot of things we can pick up on as a team, just by reading the responses on this form, before we decide to take on the case and start investigating. We as a team, support, from the start of the case been accepted, to after it is all over, and life returns to normal for the client. Sometimes, in some cases, some people can get attachments due to dabbling in things they do not fully understand. Other times, it could be a ‘sensitive’ person who does not even know that they a sensitive.

I first met Irene a few years ago. We met after my contacting SRI for help with a family member who was having problems in their home. We have been friends ever since and now I am part of the SRI Team. The house clearing was an eye opener, but successful as our clearings are. My story is on the web site page, obviously names changed. Irene is a lovely lady and really cares about what she does and SRI means the world to her, helping people means the world to her also. You know from the first time you talk to her, she is going to help you and your trust is instantly with her, she is funny but is also firm. I couldn’t imagine my life now without Irene in it.

It is odd but nearly every person you talk to nowadays will have a story to tell, regarding the paranormal. Around 12 years ago, I had a little job in a Fish and Chip shop. The son was around my age, his wife worked there also. It was his mum and stepfather who owned it. Anyway times where getting harder and the family decided to sell up and move on. I didn’t see them again after that. But after a while, I heard that the son had suddenly died of a heart attack. I felt sad at the time, but life goes on. Maybe 6 to 9 months after hearing of his death, I was walking back from the supermarket, and saw him walking at the other side of the road. I smiled at him, he gave me his cheeky smile back. I looked away, then looked back in his direction, he had gone. Then it dawned on me, he wasn’t around anymore . He must of just wanted to let me know he was okay.

A little bit about me. Well, I am 49, married with three grown up children, and two adorable grandsons. I have always been interested in the paranormal, but more so since meeting up with Irene. There is always more to learn and being part of the SRI team, believe me I’m learning. I wish I had more time to put into it, but it’s hard, having a job, running a home and looking after the family.

I have had a few jobs in my time, but mostly in Retail, as I love being around people, and meeting new people. If any of you work in shops you will know that no two days are ever the same. My youngest son (Elsquinto that’s his user name) is on the team as well, he does research when needed. My eldest son is in the Police, and my daughter has a family. My husband Dave is a Bus Driver. Dave and Irene love winding each other up, so funny to listen to them when they get going. My Job with the team is to be there for people whose cases we take on, so they have a regular source of contact. We keep in contact with each other by Skype as the team come from all different countries around the world it is amazing and gives the team chance to keep updated on the cases we are involved in but also a way to talk direct with the client also.

I would also like to add, Irene hand picks who she feels right to be in her SRI team. I have some wonderful friends now, thanks to being part of this team. Although I probably will never ever meet them face to face, there is a strong bond there. We all want the same thing. To help people.

Feel free to join our forums, it would be lovely to see new members on there. I will not get to meet you face to face, but that could be the next best thing, chatting on the forum.

Take care,


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