nsnbc : Two MPs from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and from its Bavarian sister party Christian Social Union (CSU) commented on the UK’s possible departure from the EU, noting that business among EU members would proceed as usual and that Britain should not expect any special treatment.
Speaking to journalists on Tuesday, Michael Grosse-Boehmer, the deputy floor leader of the CDU faction in Germany’s lower house of parliament (Bundestag), said: “Rules will be without doubt set for the internal European market. Discussions among leaders will take place as usual and Britain will not be there”.
Gerda Hassfeldt from the Christian Social Union (CSU), for her part, said: “To me it’s clear. Exit means exit. Citizens have to know that with this decision there will be no special treatment for Britain”.
These apparently clear-cut but subtly ambiguous statements led to several interpretations. For one, there are those who perceived these statements – and not least their publication – as a message that aims at making UK citizens think twice before they say “yes to a Brexit”.
Others would interpret Grosse-Boehmer’s and Hassfeldt’s statements as a signal that aims at telling the UK that Europe would be better off without the UK and especially without a UK – US dominated “Atlantic Axis” that the UK continues to pull over the heads of many EU member States who would rather see a consensus with Russia than an aggressive UK – US led policy of tensions.
In 2014 over 50 % of people polled in the French capital Paris responded to the question about a possible Brexit by saying “Let them leave”, many of them implying a “good riddance” message styled to London.
Also in 2014, over 50 % of Germans who were polled by Deutschlantrend said that they were opposed to NATO’s eastward expansion and that they did not perceive Germany as permanently and solidly anchored within The Alliance. The majority of the polled Germans would like Germany to be neutral and to function as a bridge between Washington and Moscow, with equally good relations and at an equal distance to both.
It is noteworthy that the Minsk Accord that resulted in the ceasefire between the Ukrainian government in Kiev and the rebelling Donbas republics in eastern Ukraine was brokered within the Normandy Four format. That is, with participation of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine, as well as representatives of the Donbas republics, with the EU and the OSCE on the sidelines. Both the UK and the USA were left outside.
A Brexit will, according to most analysts result in continued trade and economic relations between the UK and the EU while London’s political pro-Atlantic Axis influence will be diminished.
CH/L – nsnbc 26.04.2016
Source Article from http://nsnbc.me/2016/04/26/special-treatment-for-the-uk-after-brexit/
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