Something Has to Give: Astrology Forecast September 28th – October 4th, 2020

September 28th, 2020

By Nikki Harper

Staff Writer for Wake Up World

There’s a lot of competition in the air this week. From the full-on warrior mode of the Aries Full Moon to the frustrations and anger of the Mars-Saturn square, we need cool heads and calm hearts to navigate some impetuous waters.

On a global scale, it’s easy to see this energy playing out around us. Saturn, the great Teacher, wants to impose restrictions on our freedoms, and wants us to take responsibility for ourselves, and for others too. Mars, on the other hand, demands freedom at any price and is intensely, necessarily, unavoidably selfish.

As most countries around the world acknowledge that they are facing a second wave of Covid-19, and many countries move to tighten or re-impose restrictions, public patience with their leaders is wearing very, very thin.

Perhaps that’s because many governments have made huge mistakes with their handling of 2020’s assorted crisis points – so public trust has eroded. Perhaps it’s because people genuinely fear for their livelihoods and their futures. Perhaps it’s because the me-me-me element of society has gained confidence from the me-me-me attitude of some world leaders. Most likely it’s all of the above, but one thing’s for certain – this week, the astrological energy demands a win – at all costs.

With Mars in square aspect to Saturn, something has to give. Clue: it’s not usually Saturn. If we take Saturn as representing the authorities in this global situation, then attempts to overthrow or usurp authority are not likely to end well.

Nevertheless, the impetuous, reckless, selfish energy of the Aries Full Moon demands that it get its own way. We may sense that we’re rushing into dangerous territory, but frankly, we don’t care very much – this is where baser instincts overcome intuition and common sense.

Is there anything in the astrology this week to calm these volatile energies? Perhaps. Venus moves into grounded Virgo, encouraging respect, teamwork and flexibility. Saturn itself turns direct, which may help to renew public patience – but it looks likely that any such renewal of patience may come only after a failed and highly aggressive attempt to force change.


Try to calm the aggression you’re feeling. You alone are not responsible for the state of the world; turn your thoughts inwards and focus more on your own personal affairs. The Full Moon in your sign is empowering but could be emotionally overwhelming too. You’re discovering and renewing your place in the world, but you can’t expect to get your own way overnight.


The Full Moon falls in your secrecy zone and warns you against presenting a public face which is not your own. Authenticity matters this week, so honesty is essential in your dealings with everyone from your lover to your boss. Venus’ arrival in your joy zone is a light in the dark, and can bring much happiness in love, but you may also be tempted to take some reckless risks if your relationship is struggling.


Any anger you feel this week is likely to be focused around friendships and your community – perhaps especially if your own political or social views are in the minority there. However, Venus in your family zone will help so soothe tensions somewhat. Try not to allow the wider events of the world to impact so much upon your personal life. The people you love are the people you love, and they’re entitled to have different views to your own.


The Full Moon in your career zone could point towards a crisis point at work, or at least a drama of some kind. You can turn this to your advantage by showing off your leadership skills, but you will need to muster all of your tract and diplomacy to do so. Venus brings you extra people skills, which will help, but your main focus is on how events panning out around you are likely to impact your own business or financial future.


With Venus moving into your money zone, your urge to comfort spend is very strong. Be careful with extravagance, especially in these uncertain times. Some treats will help you feel emotionally better, which is great, but there’s a limit to how much you should spend right now. With the Full Moon encouraging an increase to your wisdom and knowledge, it’s a good time to look into the opinions which you’ve previously dismissed – you may just learn something new.


The arrival of Venus in your own sign brings you an increased sense of self-esteem, which is very welcome. The Full Moon, however, touches some real hot spots in your chart, and is likely to send your emotions off the scale. Don’t give in to negativity or fear. You hate not being in control of where things are heading, and not being able to see a clear path ahead makes you nervous – but learning to live with uncertainty is something you, as a mutable sign, can do better than many of us.


This week’s Full Moon is in your love zone, pointing towards drama or high emotion in your relationship. Try to lose the aggression and remember that you and your lover are both on the same side in life – you should be working together, not undermining one another. Venus shifts into your privacy zone which might help, provided the two of you can shut out the world and focus on being alone together. Don’t allow external influences to damage the rock your love is built upon.


You’re in an unusually sociable mood this week, thanks in no small part to the arrival of Venus in your social zone. This also helps you to navigate increasingly polarized waters between people who agree with you and people who don’t. You can separate people’s views from who they are, so you’re handling this well. The Full Moon occurs in your everyday routines zone, however, so you can expect some unwelcome disruption to your daily life, probably caused by something completely beyond your control. Hang on in there.


With the Full Moon in your risk zone, you’re fired up by the aggressive vibe this week, and willing to take part in things you wouldn’t normally consider. As a very principled sign, you feel that you are doing this for the right reasons, but you should carefully consider the impact it may have on your family and loved ones. With Venus arriving in your career zone, you can probably use your professional position or your job to spread your views but doing so may land you in a whole lot of hot water. Keep your private views and your job well apart from one another.


The Full Moon falls in your family zone this week and could point towards a crisis at home – or at the very least, an angry difference of opinions. However, if you keep a calm head and allow family members to express their feelings, this storm in a teacup will soon pass. Venus arrives in your travel zone, and hints strongly that a romantic getaway for you and your lover could be magical. If you can’t travel, you’re urged to at least show tolerance and respect for views which may be very different to your own.


Intense passion is on the cards this week, which could be great news for your love life – but it comes with intense jealousy too. You’re not one to impose restrictions on other people, as you value your own freedom so much, but you may be tempted now to make ultimatums regarding what your sweetheart can or cannot do. Try very hard not to go there. The Full Moon in your communication zone means that what you do say may be misinterpreted or used against you – be very, very clear in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and bad feeling.


With Venus now in your love zone, you’re buffered from the worst of the week’s aggression, in a cozy, loving bubble. There’s a lot of sweetness here, plus romance and tenderness. However, the Full Moon in you values zone asks you some difficult questions about how authentic you have been recently, and whether you are truly walking the walk as well as talking the talk. If your message and your actions don’t add up, you’ll be called out on it. At least that will give you a chance to think again and to fix the issue.

About the author:

Nikki Harper is a spiritualist writer, astrologer, and Wake Up World’s editor.

Dark Night

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