Some tips and tricks for growing fruit during winter months

(NaturalNews) Some people have simply amazing green thumbs, but for most of us, indoor gardening can be quite the challenge. If this is also true in your case, then it might seem impossible that you can grow the most gorgeous, organic, healthy fruits in your own home. Fortunately, anyone can do it!

Especially during the winter, when some organic fruits are particularly difficult to find at the market, having a little indoor fruit garden can help you stay healthy through the harsh weather. All you need to get started is a sun-room, a porch, a conservatory or even a couple of empty windowsills. With a few useful gardening tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be serving up your own handsome fruit in no time.

Start with these wonderful, easy-to-grow fruits

Strawberries are perhaps the easiest fruit to grow indoors. They need very little room to grow, make for a delicious, fresh snack, and look absolutely beautiful in a pot as well.

Grapes also make for a healthy mid-winter snack. Although they take longer to grow if you start from the seeds, their yummy fruit and decorative potential will surely be worth the wait.

Dried figs might be available throughout the year, but nothing compares to the unique taste and texture of fresh figs. Fortunately, the Ficus tree hates direct sunlight, so it can thrive indoors.

Lemons are packed with Vitamin C and antioxidants, both of which will help your body stay healthy through the winter. To be able to harvest lemons right away, buy a dwarf tree that is already two to three years old.

Avocados are currently some of our favorite Superfoods, thanks to their many demonstrated health benefits. To grow an avocado tree at home, choose a dwarf variety. Be wary, though; even a dwarf avocado tree can grow up to 10 feet!

Useful tips for the winter

Let’s start with the pot and soil, as all of these plants will require proper draining to thrive. Make sure that your pot has a few holes in the bottom and place it inside a shallow container so that the water doesn’t drain onto your floor or windowsill. Although each plant requires a slightly different type of soil, a great starting mix is made up of one part pre-soaked Coir Peat, one part Vermiculite, two parts sieved compost and half a cup of Vermicast (humus).

Next, let’s talk about light. Sunny windows and relatively warm temperatures are especially important when you grow your fruit indoors. However, winter months don’t usually treat us to much sunlight, which is why you should invest in a few grow lights. These will maintain optimal light and temperatures for your plants, regardless of the season.

It’s finally time to start growing your fruit tree or bush! If you’d like to harvest soon, then you should opt for dwarf fruit trees rather than seeds. These can be found at any local nursery and will allow you to enjoy your fruit right away. When you buy your tree, you’ll notice that a line on its stem shows how much of the stem was previously covered by dirt. Once you get home, plant it up to that line and water thoroughly.

Soon enough, you’ll be able to enjoy the beautifully-scented blossoms of your tree. Since there aren’t many insects indoors, your tree might need some help with pollination. If you notice that the blossoms do not result in fruit, then use a soft paint brush or a cotton swab to brush the insides of each blossom.

Finally, you’ll have to make sure that your fruit tree stays clean and healthy. To keep harmful bugs off their stems, rub alcohol on each one by using a cotton swab. Don’t forget about pruning, and move the trees into larger pots as they grow. And voila! It’s as simple as that to grow your own delicious fruit during the winter!

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