Snatched in Iraq: Aussie tells of kidnap torment

Tracy Baxendine was a prisoner in a small white room at a nondescript compound in Baghdad’s Green Zone.

Her kidnappers were armed and explicit about what they wanted to know: home address back in Australia, names of family members, bank account details, even her car rego number.

She and a male co-worker had been driving to the Australian embassy in Iraq’s war-torn capital to take care of some paperwork on August 30 last year when they and their bodyguard escort were ambushed.

The abductors made no attempt to conceal their faces but nor did they identify themselves.

Their line of questioning made Tracy think they were being held for ransom.

It was just the start of a nightmarish ordeal lasting more than 30 hours that saw the 47-year-old Adelaide woman and her co-worker ferried from one group of captors to the next, charged with baseless crimes and refused any contact with Australian consular officials.

“Your mind’s going three million miles an hour,” Tracy said she felt at one point.

“You’re thinking, ‘What’s going on? Am I going to see my two children again?’ I prayed I would get out of there alive.”

Tracy was eventually freed and only now, more than a year later, does she feel comfortable talking about what happened.

But there are still unanswered questions about what her abductors hoped to achieve and why they targeted Tracy and her co-worker in the first place.

Street ambush

Tracy, an accountant, began work in Baghdad just three months before the ordeal as an operations manager for an Australian construction firm, ACA Alliance.

The firm had won a $500 million contract to build three hospitals and Tracy, who had spent the previous year working in Kabul for a food supplies company, had heard good things about working in Iraq.

“I wanted some adventure,” she said in an interview with ninemsn.

She didn’t picture being herded into a car, arm wrenched behind her back, by armed assailants.

It was shortly after 1pm when Tracy and her co-worker were taken to a building she did not recognise and questioned by a man in a suit who spoke fluent English.

She was offered water, but she declined because she wanted to avoid having to use the dingy hole-in-the-ground toilet.

Tracy was then separated from her co-worker and that’s when she was tested with claims she signed documents concerning some kind of scam — an accusation which baffled Tracy but which she denied nonetheless.

Eventually Tracy’s co-worker — who does not wish to be named — was permitted to use his mobile phone to make contact with their manager at ACA Alliance, who happened to be visiting Baghdad at the time, and to assure him they were okay.

Tracy’s co-worker told her they should be freed shortly as he heard that “compensation” had been paid by their manager to the captors. However, ACA Alliance told ninemsn no financial demands were ever put to the firm and no such payments were ever made.

The firm’s chief executive, Wayne Fraser, said ACA Alliance understood Tracy and her co-worker were detained somewhere inside the Green Zone by Iraqi security forces but they don’t know who exactly or why.

Mr Fraser said they alerted Australia’s embassy in Baghdad as well as the Department of Foreign Affairs and also contacted their employees’ families in Australia.

Tracy and her co-worker were then made to sign and fingerprint a document purporting to be a record of interview but which they could not read because it was handwritten in Arabic.

“By this stage there were six or eight of them standing in the room with me, acting quite imposing — you’re too scared to do anything but what they tell you to do,” she said.

False hopes

But the Australian pair’s hopes of being released were short-lived. Their captors instead drove them to a police station inside the Green Zone where they were handed over to local officers. Tracy remained in a front room as her co-worker was led away to a cell.

“There was never less than five or six police in the room with me at one time and each of them would regularly unzip their pants and leer at me,” she said. “I was scared they were going to rape me.”

When Tracy asked the police why she was being held, the answers were never definitive. “Maybe you had the wrong licence plates on your car or you’ve been drinking alcohol (which is restricted in Baghdad),” one officer suggested.

Terrifying twist

Shortly after 10pm Tracy and her co-worker were led outside to the police station carpark and ushered into an armoured land cruiser by a man who introduced himself as a member of the Iraqi National Intelligence Service.

He kept assuring them they were safe — assurances that felt less comforting when the Australians realised they were being driven beyond the borders of the Green Zone.

“That’s when I got really terrified,” Tracy said. “I thought, nobody knows where we are now”.

The Australians were taken to a walled compound whose entrance was barricaded by an army tank. They watched as the tank rumbled aside to let them through to what Tracy described as a “very opulent building”.

Inside, their English-speaking intelligence officer sat them down at a conference table inside a large office with Iraqi flags hanging from the wall.

About a dozen men in suits filed in, saluted the officer and sat around the table with notebooks in hand.

“I never understood a word that went on for the next half-hour or so as they spoke in Arabic,” Tracy said. “Then we were told it was necessary to question us to determine if we were guilty or not. They did not tell us what we were supposed to be guilty of.”

The pair once again were led to separate rooms and this time the interrogation continued on and off throughout the night and well into the next day.

Tracy sat in a room with eight men, one of whom asked the questions and another who translated. She was quizzed about the construction firm she worked for, its contract with the Ministry of Health, the amount of money changing hands and the salaries being paid to Iraqi and western employees.
Tracy was given water and now had access to a decent toilet, but her adrenalin was up and she had no desire to sleep.

Events took a dark turn around late afternoon the next day.

An interpreter told Tracy she and her co-worker had been found guilty of charges which he read out for several minutes from a memo of arrest. The only thing she could make sense of was that they had supposedly signed contracts with the Iraqi government that were illegal because of their status as foreigners. Tracy tried to explain she never signed any contracts whatsoever with the Iraqi government.

“I sat there in shock staring at them and trying to protest my innocence,” Tracy said. “We had just been judged and sentenced in what amounted to one day and night, without any sort of legal proceedings or rights.”

Whether the supposed charge sheet was just a bluff is not clear. But a few hours later Tracy and her co-worker were told the charges against them were dropped after “further investigations” and the pair would be returning to the Australian embassy in Baghdad.

Tears of relief

It was around 10pm on August 31, some 33 hours since the Australians were first captured, when the Iraqi intelligence officers dropped them off at the embassy gate. Tracy recalls breaking down in tears when a consular official walked up to her and said in an Australian voice: “You are safe”.

Tracy and her co-worker were escorted inside, fed cooked steak and red wine (their first meal since their capture) and debriefed by Australia’s then ambassador to Iraq, Robert Tyson.

“You’ve got no idea how happy I am to see you,” Tracy recalls Mr Tyson saying.

Tracy was told embassy officials had been in contact with her family the whole time but that they “could not get a bead” on their location and feared it could take six to eight weeks to recover them.

After some emotional phone calls to family back in Australia and a good night’s sleep in a room at the embassy, Tracy and her co-worker boarded a flight the next morning to Abu Dhabi and then a connecting flight home to Australia.

The Department of Foreign Affairs would not divulge any details of embassy efforts to secure the release of the abducted Australians or any insights into why they believe Tracy and her co-worker were detained.

A spokeswoman confirmed only that the Baghdad embassy “provided consular assistance to two Australian citizens who were detained by Iraqi authorities in August 2010. The Australian Embassy received them on their release and assisted with their departure from Baghdad the next day.”
Tracy did not return to her job with ACA Alliance.

For a time she kept looking over her shoulder and felt scared in crowded and noisy environments, she said. But she was also “hit by the realisation of how lucky we are” to make it home safely.

Tracy plans to stay in Adelaide, where she lives with a 22-year-old son, and does not intend on returning to Iraq.

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