‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ is a sub corporation of the ‘UNITED STATES’ corporation.
Anything the clowns of the ‘UNITED STATES CORPORATION
say or do has no legal substance for the illegally militarily criminally occupied Republic of Texas or REAL Texicans.
The Republic of Texas has been illegally, militarily, criminally occupied for 158 years and counting.
During that period of being illegally militarily criminally occupied, the Republic of Texas has never been allowed to seat their own government, operate their own courts or field their own military.
Any one who can walk and chew gum at the same time who has been half assed paying attention understands the UNITED STATES CORPORATION (empire) is dying.
So the evil Washington DC dick sucking Israel Firsters
Mexico Firsters
yankee carpetbaggers
and scalawags operating the Texican hating occupation administrative unit sub corporation of the UNITED STATES Corporation
of Sodom & Gomorra on the Colorado are trying to disassociate themselves from their Parent Corporation in a bid to still be able to illegally occupy the Illegally, militarily, criminally occupied Republic of Texas so they can continue to overrun Texas with Texican hating 3ed world criminals while using Texicans as tax slaves.
A non negotiable time tested point of Law is this Legal Axiom:
AS THE POISON FRUIT (THE STATE OF TEXAS) of the poison tree ( UNITED STATES), the poison fruit (OCCUPATION ADMINISTRATIVE SUB CORPORATION ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS OF THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION) CAN NEVER BE MADE UN-POISON OR BE A LAWFUL “government” of the illegally militarily criminally occupied for 158 years and counting Republic of Texas.
If the ‘STATE OF TEXAS’ wants to secede from their parent corporation, that’s fine.
But it CAN NEVER BE a lawful un-poison “government” of the illegally militarily criminally occupied Republic of Texas.
Perhaps it can find some African war lord to serve oppressing humans in Africa or some tin horn dictator down in South America to serve doing evil to humans.
Now, no one who can not trace their heritage back to Texicans before the yankee illegally militarily criminally occupied the Republic of Texas back in 1865 has a legal vote in the Republic of Texas affairs.
Any person who can trace their heritage back to real Texicans but is voting in the ‘STATE OF TEXAS”s illegal “elections”, has no say in the Republic of Texas affairs either as one can not serve the illegal evil slave master oppressing a people and the people too.
The Ole Texican Dog!
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