Smith denies he confronted PM over Carr rumours

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Defence Minister Stephen Smith has confirmed he fought a push to have Bob Carr drafted into the Senate.

Stephen Smith

Minister for Defence Stephen Smith has played down reports of a showdown. Picture: Kym Smith
Source: The Daily Telegraph

DEFENCE Minister Stephen Smith has denied reports he had confirmed that ministerial intervention wrecked Julia Gillard’s plans to make Bob Carr Foreign Minister.

Furore over the Carr recruitment has damaged the authority of the Prime Minister, who now stands accused of having been forced by ministers to drop the plan.

One of those reported to have intervened was Stephen Smith, who was Foreign Minister when Kevin Rudd was Prime Minister.

News reports today said Mr Smith had confirmed the show of force against the Prime Minister but in a statement he denied that.

“The reports this morning that the office of the Minister for Defence had confirmed the Minister’s intervention in the Ministerial reshuffle are entirely incorrect,” said a spokesman for Mr Smith.

Senior Government figures are stunned by how quickly a relatively routine matter became a public and political disaster with claims of “mutiny” and even a report that Ms Gillard had approach Mr Carr last week — before the Arbib resignation.

The recruitment plan came from NSW Labor Party secretary Sam Dastyari, and was devised without consultation with the Prime Minister, sources have told today.

“Sam wanted to pull an ace,” said one Labor figure.

Ms Gillard spoke to the former Premier but she did not offer him the Foreign Affairs post. That had been suggested by Ms Dastyari.

The idea was off the table Tuesday morning after Ms Gillard discussed options with senior colleagues.

The sources denied the prime Minister had been forced to give Stephen Smith priority over Mr Car in foreign affairs.

The new ministry, needed after Mr Rudd went to the back bench and Senator Arbib’s resignation, is expected tomorrow.

The Opposition maintained pressure on the PM with Tony Abbott accusing her of being “loose with the truth” in Parliament.

“It’s obvious the Prime Minister’s choice for Foreign Minister has been vetoed by the faceless men of the Labor Party,” said Mr Abbott.

“Julia Gillard was saying in the Parliament yesterday: ‘don’t believe everything you read’. Well the trouble is you can’t believe anything she says.”

Nationals Leader Warren Truss, referring to the leadership ballot, said Ms Gillard “may have got 71 votes in Caucus but she doesn’t have 71 mates”.

“This latest spate of backstabbing is coming from those closest to her,” said Mr Truss.

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