‘I am becoming very concerned that editorial standards at the Herald are dropping rapidly.” That line, with minor variations, and this one – ”I know you have outsourced your subediting, but surely someone there can proofread before you publish such appalling errors” – are daily fare for your readers’ editor to chew on. Some are cheeky (”Sorry, I couldn’t help myself” over an online headline ”Murray the patomime villain”); others sizzle (”My SMH reading has declined over the last couple of years, and I have to say this decline in the essential qualities of the enterprise is a big factor. It’s just inexcusable”).
And fair enough. The thing is, though, it will almost certainly get worse before it gets better. Although Fairfax’s ”newsroom of the future” – a digital-first attitude to its journalism – began operating on Monday last week, naturally there is much work to do implementing it and training staff for it. This will take a few months.
Back in the olden days, until about 12 months ago, there was a team of layout subeditors who ”cleaned” the story before sending it to the downtable subs. Those subs would then copy edit for facts, spelling, grammar, sense, style and legals, cut to fit, write a caption, if required, and a headline, and send it on to the check subs.
These senior journalists would start on the story afresh, reading it with an eye to accuracy and balance, picking up grammatical, spelling, factual and legal errors that had slipped through, rewriting inappropriate headlines, conferring with reporters and editors about taste and placement, and finally giving the yarn the green light for publication.
But wait! There’s more! Before pages were sent to the printers, the subeditors would proofread them – another safety net in the production process. The stories would then roll on to the website at midnight.
But that was then, and this is now. Then, there were three or four deadlines a night; now, with a 24-hour news cycle, there is a never-ending deadline. Then, there was a huge bank of inhouse subeditorial staff; now, subediting has been outsourced. Then, the print edition was the main focus; now, stories go online first, except in special circumstances.
Speed has always been vital in newspapers – beating the opposition has been a big part of the thrill – but in the olden days, depending on when the story broke, the pace was comparatively slower. Today’s could be described as breakneck; yesterday’s was more family sedan on a suburban street. Many stories are uploaded after a quick check, and revised later. They have to be – there just isn’t the staff yet to go through each story with a fine-tooth comb. Hopefully that will come.
Readers, print and online, should remember that although the copy was clean and tight in those golden, olden days, it was also invariably yesterday’s news. By the time readers picked up their paper from the front lawn they had already heard the morning news on the radio – often lifted directly from the newspaper – so it seemed even older when they read the story over coffee.
One of the trade-offs for getting the story earlier is an increased error rate, particularly ”small” errors of spelling and grammar. The silver lining is that they can be corrected quickly online, either after readers have pointed them out or when the team gets time to revisit stories. Mistakes in the printed paper are there forever; even when errors of fact are corrected and published, the original blue remains, although in Fairfax archives there is, in bold red, the word ”Correction” placed at the top of an amended story. I would like to see that on the website, too, rather than, as now, hope that readers get to the end to see it.
There is, of course, a matter that cannot be ignored: the delicate subject of personal responsibility. Delicate for reporters, that is, but I can hear a cheer from ghosts of Herald subeditors past.
Back in the day reporters would file their copy and hope for a good sub. Now that the industry has moved forward there is a strong possibility that that will not afford a good outcome.
Reporters need to hunt around for a good book on grammar, and they should study up on their spelling and learn by rote, if necessary, the difference between, say, phase and faze, their and there, birth and berth, etc. A dictionary should always be by their sides, nestled close to their stylebook, and a thesaurus should linger nearby. Of course, in this digital age when they are filing on the run, they could use the ones provided online.
Speed is of the essence, of course, but clean, accurate copy is as important for the ”newsroom of the future” as it was in the golden, olden days.
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