Sleepless in South Kensington as London’s French community agonises over vote

“A lot of people are unsure who to vote for. They are following the
discussions very closely.”

As if on cue, a woman ordering a slab of brie turns and raises her arms in
theatrical horror. “I have no idea who I will vote for, none at all,”
she says.

“Sarkozy is so vulgar – he is not well read, he is rude and has no
manners, and is not an intellectual like our previous presidents. We are
really not proud of him.

“But at least he is proactive. He is making France an international force
to be reckoned with, and not just living on in our beautiful past.” She
pauses, weighing up her options and stuffing her brie into her bag.

“Actually – I will maybe vote for him after all,” she said, and
bustled out of the shop, trailing her silk scarf in the breeze.

There are only three weeks until the French go to the polls for the first
round of a hotly-contested election. The latest surveys showed Mr Sarkozy,
from the UMP party, just edging ahead of his Socialist rival, with 30 per
cent of voters saying they would pick Mr Sarkozy and 26 per cent choosing Mr
Hollande. A week ago the poll put the two men almost neck and neck.

The four polls all still predicted Mr Hollande would win the May 6 second
round, but showed that Mr Sarkozy was narrowing the Socialist’s lead.

And in London, often described as “Paris-on-Thames” for its huge
numbers of French residents, the debate is heating up. The French outnumber
most other Western European nations in London – there are estimated to be
around 200,000 Spaniards, but only around 60,000 Germans in the British

Over 70,000 French voters are registered in London, and Emmanuelle Savarit,
the UMP’s delegate in London, is pounding the streets to strengthen support
for Mr Sarkozy’s re-election.

“He is simply the best person to do the job,” she told The Sunday
, sipping a Perrier in a smart Kensington hotel.

“So many people point out what he has not managed to achieve in the past
few years, but they forget what he has done. He has raised the age of
retirement, and he has encouraged business.

“He has been a successful President of Europe, and led France through the
financial crisis. It has not been easy, as austerity measures are not ever
going to be popular. But he has achieved a huge amount, and will achieve

If Mr Sarkozy’s has transformed France and improved the country to such an
extent, then why are so many French still living in London?

She laughed. “People have built their lives here,” she said. “Some
have gone back, but most French, in a time of global financial crisis, do
not want to rock the boat by leaving their homes and jobs here.

“Besides, we love London. You have the best range and quality of
restaurants in the world, and the weather is great.”

Miss Savarit, a 39-year-old entrepreneur with a PhD in psychology, is also
campaigning for herself. Having lived in London for 18 years, the chic
mother-of-two is hoping to be France’s first “MP for Britain” in
the June parliamentary elections.

Mr Sarkozy has approved plans to create 11 new constituencies around the world
to represent the French diaspora, with the MPs having identical status to
their colleagues in France and the same voting rights in Paris. Italy is the
only other European country to run a similar system.

Miss Savarit’s constitution of “Europe Nord” includes Britain,
Ireland, Scandanavia and the Baltic states – but London, often referred to
as “France’s sixth largest city”, is indubitably the focus of the

“It’s true that some of the French voters I meet regularly were initially
sceptical about Mr Sarkozy’s re-election,” she said. “But now they
are beginning to realise it is for the best. Francois Hollande would
bankrupt France. He wants to increase the number of civil servants and
teachers, while he attacks finance and business. It’s impossible!”

Outside The French Bookshop – the oldest such shop in London – Pierre, 47, a
financier, agreed.

“If Hollande is elected it will be a nightmare,” he said with a
shudder. “He will ruin France. Ruin it. His policies will turn the
country into 1970s Soviet Union, stopping all forms of enterprise and
driving away business.”

Pierre, like so many of his colleagues, he said, left Paris because he was “fed
up” with the city. He claimed that it was difficult raising three young
children in a capital he describes as “polluted, unfriendly, aggressive
and dirty”. In London, he felt safer and more appreciated.

“In France if you make money you are seen as a traitor to the nation,”
he said. “It is not a country that is pro-business – even with Sarkozy.

“And although I support Sarkozy, I don’t think he has a clear economic
strategy. He has been too shy with his reforms, and not rolled back the
35-hour working week or broken the blockage of the unions. We don’t have as
good politicians in France as David Cameron and the Miliband brothers.”

A few yards away down Bute Street – known as “Frog Alley” for its
predominance of French shops – Sonia Fitoussi, a photographer, said she
would also be voting for Mr Sarkozy.

“He gets my vote because he is a good international leader. In London,
you see that better than in France, perhaps. I think he is strong. Hollande
is not.”

Mr Sarkozy has made much of his international credentials, campaigning on the
concept that his strong working relationship with Angela Merkel, the German
Chancellor, is worth preserving.

He has also used the Toulouse shootings earlier this month to hammer home his
favourite topics of law and order, security and crime. Some of the French in
London said that they felt Paris was unsafe; Miss Savarit, however, claimed
that crime in Paris has declined under Mr Sarkozy.

But for Melody, 27, a shop assistant at Librarie La Page, Mr Sarkozy has not
served France well. She refused to say how she would vote, but acknowledged
that many of her friends had left France after Mr Sarkozy’s election.

“I think Francois Hollande has done very well,” she said, sorting
out souffle cookbooks and tomes by French philosopher Michel Onfray. “He
has changed his image and is coming across as a dignified and thoughtful

Campaigning on Mr Hollande’s behalf is Axelle Lemaire, a 36-year-old lawyer.
Armed with an electoral register, GPS system and bicycle, she has been
pedalling the streets of London to meet French voters face-to-face and
travelling throughout her prospective constituency.

“People are increasingly ready to trust him,” she told The Sunday
. “There is a very strong anti-Sarkozy feeling, and we now
need to convince voters of the credibility of Mr Hollande’s programme.”

But that must surely be difficult, given that London’s French community is
characterised by wealthy financiers who fear his programme of higher

“Not all French people living in London work in banks,” she said.

“But it is true that in London we do have to talk a lot about the
economy. If you look at his manifesto, the 75 per cent tax will only affect
earnings over a million euros – so that will only involve about 3,000 people
out of 65 million. And people forget that under Sarkozy the public debt has
doubled, if you take into account his whole period in government first as
finance minister then ultimately as president.

“We are having a serious debate with voters. But it is with figures and
precise ideas, not false promises.”

Mr Hollande came to London last month to raise his profile and woo French
voters. But unfortunately for the Socialists, it does not seem to have had a
huge impact.

Typical was Gerard, 45, an electricity trader, drinking a latte outside the
French bakery chain, Paul.

“Sarkozy promised to make the country better, but I don’t think anything
has changed much,” he said. “We’re all pretty disillusioned now.
But then Hollande is even worse, and would probably send more businesses and
more French to London if he wins.

“I don’t like Sarkozy,” he said. “But I’ll probably vote for

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